Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense Founder Profiled in More

The October issue of More Magazine includes a profile of Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense.  The magazine tucked the article, "The Accidental Activist" by Nanette Varian,  away in the very back of the issue, starting on page 131.

One of the pullout quotes is "they kept referring to me as well educated, which I thought was code for uppity housewife."  This is in reference to her testimony before Indiana legislature.  Watts has a four year degree.  Given the number of lawyers in the state legislature I, too, find it odd they would use this terminology and agree that it is intended as a slur.

The Moms group was intended to serve in a similar role that Mothers Against Drunk Driving did, to bring an issue to the public's attention.  In this case it is gun violence prevention.  They have had some successes,

"Since the group's inception, the Moms have helped get background-check laws passed in five states and laws aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers passed in six more.  They've persuaded Facebook and Instagram to take steps to prevent illegal gun sales on their platforms and Statrbucks, Target, Chipotle and other chains to ask customers not to bring their guns into their establishments." 

To read the full article pick up the current issue at your local newsstand.

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