Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fed Funding to University Transportation Centers

from the inbox:

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced today $77 million in grants to 22 University Transportation Centers (UTCs) to advance research and education programs that address critical transportation challenges facing our nation. The UTCs, which are located throughout the United States, conduct research that directly supports the priorities of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and the participating universities are a critical part of our national transportation strategy. 

“Transportation matters in everyone’s daily life. These research centers will help us solve the transportation challenges we face today and those that we know lay ahead of us,” said Secretary LaHood.  
DOT’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), which administers the UTC program, used a competitive selection process to select ten University Transportation Centers (UTCs), two Transit-Focused UTCs, and ten Regional UTCs. The centers will advance U.S. transportation technology and expertise in research, education, and technology transfer. Each one of the selected UTCs will receive a $3.5 million grant which they must match with funds from non-federal sources. The 22 UTCs selected are all consortia, involving a total of 121 different universities.

Pennsylvania schools on the list of recipients:

Penn State's main campus is an consortium with San Jose State.

The University of Pennsylvania is in a consortium with Carnegie Mellon; the two schools are the only members of that consortium.  Personal note:  I'm sure Penn is thrilled to be playing second fiddle to Carnegie Mellon. 

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