Today, Brian Rudnick, Independent/Green Candidate for Philadelphia?s 8th City Council District, announced that his nomination papers survived a Court challenge by Independent candidate James Foster. The Court also upheld Rudnick's challenge that Foster's papers contained gross irregularities and ordered Foster's name be removed from the ballot for the 8th District race.
"When I learned through news sources that Jim had collected 875 signatures in merely six days, I became suspicious," said Rudnick. "I was saddened to see that, in his haste, Jim had collected so many signatures of voters outside the district. I regret having to be the one to address these issues but until we change the system, the burden of uncovering these deficiencies rests on the other candidates. Notwithstanding my success in Court, I am hoping Jim will join with me in opening one small crack in the Democratic party machine for which he has advocated so long and well."
Brian Rudnick is a librarian, video journalist, homemaker and activist making his second run for City Council. He earned Bachelor and Law degrees from Penn and a Masters in Information Systems from Drexel. For the last 20 years he has lived in Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. A married father of three children, one grown and married, the other two who attend public schools, Rudnick is personally and publicly committed to giving schools the resources our children need and deserve. He has devoted himself to creating jobs and a sustainable green economy.
Rudnick announced his candidacy in July and, after their August recess, is seeking formal recognition from his local and state Green Party chapters at their September meetings.
Cranky introvert who sometimes thinks about politics, somewhere in the greater Philadelphia area
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Rudnick Survives Challenge
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