Monday, July 11, 2011

Geese, Ganders, Teachers, and CEOs

Last June I wrote about the Pennsylvania Education Secretary's comments about teacher evaluations, specifically that too many of them were getting good evaluations. In that post I compared the percentage of teachers getting excellent evaluations (he said nearly 100%) with the percentage of political incumbents who are re-elected (between 95% and 98%, depending on the level of government).

Friday's Wall Street Journal ("A 'yes' in say on pay," by Jessica Holzer) note that corporate shareholders now have a "say on pay." They can accept or reject executive pay plans. Holzer notes that of the 2532 companies reporting, shareholders at only 39 companies rejected the suggested compensation plan. That means 98.5% thought the suggested pay plans were good ideas. Anybody out there think that only 1.5% of corporate executives aren't being paid properly?

If teachers are going to be evaluated on student test scores and if current evaluations are considered too high, let's apply that across the board -- should companies whose shareholders think executive compensation is too high be given tax cuts or government monies? How far do we go with this?

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