Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Update on Non-Discrimination Ordinance in Montco Town

One story I've been following across communities in the region is the passage of non-discrimination bills. The only community I've found so far in the geographic area I cover that voted down such an ordinance is Abington in Montgomery County. I've been sent an update on the situation:

* the township board of commissioners voted to support a non-discrimination bill on the state level (see "Abington commissioners vote to support state anti-discrimination legislation," by Luke Harold, Montgomery Media 6/13)

* a Coalition for Equality in the township has put together an impressive (and growing) list of local partners (businesses, churches, and clergy) as well as support from state and national organizations.

1 comment:

  1. This was left on another post but I think it was intended here:

    Hi Above Average Jane,
    Along with the Coalition for Equality, Abington Add (Abington Against discrimination and defamation) is hosting an event called "Kickoff to Equality: a Celebration!" this Sat. (6/18) at 11am at the Abington Twp. Building. This will be the first of a series of events in support of a local Non-discrimination Ordinance with an independent, well-trained, volunteer Human Relations Commission. There will be music (The Planets)and other entertainment, as well as speakers such as Rep. Josh Shapiro; Rep. Brendan Boyle; a representative from the PA ACLU; Brian Sims (Pres. of Equality PA and GALLOP) and more! Please come to show support for an HRC -- or just come out to celebrate diversity!
    If your organization or business would like to be added to the Coalition, please contact abingtonadd@gmail.com
    Thank you!
    Dianna Pax
    (co-founder, Abington Add)
    "Let's Add Civil Rights for Everyone!"
