Sunday, January 02, 2011

Very Very Belated 3rd Quarter FEC Report Roundup

3rd Quarter 2010 FEC Reports

This is very very late. I had technical difficulties in mid-October when this came out. The numbers will not reflect any amendments made in November.

Okay, here we go again. First off, you can browse these reports yourself at As always I apologize in advance for any errors or misinterpretations. I am neither a lawyer nor an accountant, just an interested observer and these thoughts should be taken as such.

This quarter covers July – September, 2010. Since the election is long over and we know the results I have noted which candidate in each district won.

Watch the itemized (over $250 donations), unitemized (smaller donations), and PAC ratios. Generally, you will find unitemized to be about 10% the amount of itemized and PAC’s either a half or quarter the amount of the itemized donations., at least for incumbents. In open races or in challenger’s reports, there are usually fewer PAC donations. They like to stick with people they are fairly certain are going to win.

At this point in the election cycle it isn’t easy to see who has donated the maximum amount possible. People can donate $2400 per “election,” which means $2400 for the primary and another $2400 for the general. Someone who donated $4800 cannot give that candidate any more money until after the November election. You can’t donate retroactively so if someone doesn’t start donating until after the primary they can only donate $2400. Everyone have that? No? I don’t blame you – it’s a little complicated, but we’ll do our best to keep it all straight.

Republican reports tend to be in chronological order, which allows you to get some idea when group fundraisers were held but difficult to accurately track how many out of state donors there are (because names can be listed more than once). Democratic reports tend to be listed alphabetically which makes it easy to track individual donors but not so easy to track fundraising events. To my mind alphabetically is easier to work with.

6th Congressional District

Manan Trivedi, Democrat

Itemized 277,323.07
Unitemized 67,058.98
Total of Contributions from Individuals 344,382.05 / 1,033,198.51
PACs 66,044.89 / 158,094.89
The Candidate: 124.22 / 18,545.01
Total Contributions: 410,551.16 / 1,209,838.41
Transfers from Other Authorized Committees: 16,779.62 / 16,779.62
Loans: 0.00 / 36,000.00
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, etc.): 477.24 / 477.24
Total Receipts: 427,808.02 / 1,263,095.27
Operating Expenditures: 316,174.69 / 820,929.57
Transfers to Other Authorized Committees: 10,800.00/ 10,800.00
Loan Repayments: 36,000 / 36,000
Contribution Refunds: 810.95 / 885.95
Other Disbursements: 100.00 / 1085.00
Total Disbursements: 363,885.64 / 869,700.52
Cash Summary.
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 329,472.37
Total Receipts 427,808.02
Total Disbursements 363,885.64
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 393,394.75

I counted about 159 out of state donors. There were 26 donors listed as giving $2400, 17 more than that and an additional 2 gave the full $4800. There were clusters for doctors and lawyers. Several names had “best efforts” listed as their employer, meaning the campaign had made an effort to get the information but did not, at that point, have it. The candidate made two loans, totaling $36K to the campaign. In disbursements, the campaign had 10 people on the payroll, though not all at the same time and not all full-time. A Virginia media firm received $110K. A polling firm received $25K, a consulting firm $15K. Interesting, the 2008 candidate, Bob Roggio, received $4K in consulting fees. It looks like Trivedi paid for health insurance for his team.

Jim Gerlach, incumbent Republican (won the November election)

Itemized 236,187.00
Unitemized 19,890.00
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 256,077.00 / 856,936.38
Political Party Committees: 5,000 / 5,100
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 246,300.00 / 1,001,608.50
Total Contributions: 507,377.00 / 1,863,644.88
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, etc.): 274.05 / 5,851.89
Other Receipts: 1,275.13 / 17,357.34
Total Receipts: 508,926.18 / 1,887,472.35
Operating Expenditures 316,902.14 / 1,163,561.12
Refunds: 1,700 / 40,775.00
Other Disbursements: 98,400.00 / 267,250.00
Total Disbursements 417,002.14 / 1,471,586.12
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 541,469.77
Total Receipts This Period 508,926.18
Total Disbursements This Period 417,002.14
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 633,393.81

It is very difficult to track with chronological reports but I counted 55 out of state donors. There were 13 donations of $2400, 15 over that and an additional 11 giving the max $4800, but, again, it is hard to track this with chronological reports. The Chicksaw Nation is listed as a donor and this strikes me as odd. There were a lot of corporate executives. Something called Let Freedom Ring gave $250; this also struck me as odd. In disbursements there were 4 staff people listed and it looks like the campaign paid for health insurance. Campbell Campaigns received $73,700. Gula Graham fundraising received $23,700. Wilson Research received $10K for polling.

7th Congressional District

Bryan Lentz, Democrat

Itemized 178,508.69
Unitemized 33,978.33
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 212,487.02 / 898,161.00
Political Party Committees: 337.62 / 419.28
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 102,901.00 / 438,251.00
Total Contributions: 315,725.64 / 1,336,831.28
Transfers from Other Authorized Committees: 58,808.56 / 64,508.56
Total Receipts 374,614.20 / 1,401,419.84
Operating Expenditures 476,004.71 / 710,513.11
Other Disbursements: 43,068.00 / 49,630.00
Total Disbursements 519,072.71 / 760,993.11
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 785,935.24
Total Receipts This Period 374,614.20
Total Disbursements This Period 519,072.71
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 641,476.73

I counted 53 out of state donations. There were 17 donations of $2400, 12 of more than that, and 6 of the full $4800. Mr. Lentz is a lawyer and, as might be expected, he received a lot of donations from lawyers. In disbursements, I counted 11 paid staffers but, again, not all were there for the whole campaign and not all full time. A polling firm was paid $30K. a communications firm $12K, the Campaign Group received $260K for media buys, and Echo Group $12K.

Pat Meehan, Republican (won in November)

Itemized 440,568.63
Unitemized 53,567.01
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 494,135.64 / 1,754,819.33
Political Party Committees 100.00 / 1,100.00
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 263,900.00 / 647,220.00
Total Receipts 758,135.64 / 2,403,174.35
Operating Expenditures 296,459.51 / 812,946.31
Refunds: 0.00 / 4,000.00
Other disbursements: 0.00 / 1,000.00
Total Disbursements 296,459.51 / 817,946.31
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 1,123,551.91
Total Receipts This Period 758,135.64
Total Disbursements This Period 296,459.51
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 1,585,228.04

I counted 66 out of state donors, but that is tricky with chronologically arranged reports. There were 38 donations of $2400, 35 or more than that, and 3 of the max $4800. I also counted four donations of over $4800 with no refunds listed anywhere. Perhaps they are on a late-file amendment or something. Like Gerlach, Mr. Meehan received a donation from the Chicksaw nation, as well as the Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation from California. Not sure what that is about but I’d hazard a guess that gambling might play a role. There was a cluster of donations from law enforcement and another for attorneys. For balance a Salvation Army therapist is listed as a donor. There were 147 PAC donations listed. That’s a lot. In disbursements, 7 people were paid a salary; it looks like he paid for health insurance. A communications firm received $44K, the Oscar Group $13K, the Theodor Co $20K for fundraising. The NRCC received $16K for polling. The campaign was charged a late fee by its credit card company. A prominent citizen is listed as having bounced a check to the campaign. I won’t say who but if you check the reports you can find out.

8th Congressional District

Patrick Murphy, Incumbent Democrat (elected 2006)

Individual Itemized 579,887.46
Individual Unitemized 87,285.96
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 667,173.42 / 2,602,782.62
Political Party Committees 2,096.54 / 3,156.54
PACS 265,026.00 / 957,351.00
Total Contributions 934,295.96 / 3,563,290.16
Transfers from Other Authorized Committees 10,187.85 / 15,187.85
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 0.00 / 24,570.64
Other Receipts 3,052.74 / 11,439.70
Total Receipts 947,536.55 / 3,614,488.35
Operating Expenditures 1,087,718.79 / 2,275,160.95
Total Refunds 0.00 / 1,921.20
Other Disbursements 17,730.00 / 63,657.36
Total Disbursements 1,105,448.79 / 2,340,739.51
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 1,775,409.72
Total Receipts This Period 947,536.55
Total Disbursements This Period 1,105,448.79
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 1,617,497.48

I counted over 390 out of state donors (it is tricky to count out of state when they are among the Act Blue donations because every other line is ActBlue from Mass and it is hard to remember not to count those). I counted 56 donations of $2400,49 of more than that, and 18 of the max $4800. There is a Hollywood cluster, with George Clooney and Scarlett Johanssen listed but these primarily seem to have been received in a short time frame in September so it was likely one fundraiser or email campaign. Personally I was more impressed with the donation from Margarethe Cammermeyer – one time Chief Nurse of the Washington State National Guard who sued after being relieved of duty when she came out as a lesbian. She sued and was reinstated. Some of you may remember the tv movie made from her book with Glenn Close in the starring role. Other clusters in Murphy’s donations include education (teachers, professors, and deans), medical, and alternative energy. In disbursements, he gave $10 to Philadelphia Stand Down (a charitable contribution). There were 7 paid employees. He paid $36K for signs, $43K for polling, and $461K for media buys.

Mike Fitzpatrick, Republican (won in November)

Individual Itemized 308,153.00
Individual Unitemized 61,065.00
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 369,218.00 / 1,182,466.62
Political Party Committees: 5,000 / 7,000
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 106,146.11 / 216,381.11
Total Contributions 480,364.11 / 1,405,847.73
Transfers from Other Authorized Committees: 15,235.15 / 15,235.15
Other Receipts 805.84 / 1,240.84
Total Receipts 496,405.10 / 1,422,323.72
Operating Expenditures 269,825.58 / 531,081.19
Refunds to Individuals/Persons 700.00 / 1,300.00
Refunds to Other Committees (such as PACS): 5,100.00 / 5,100.00
Total Contribution Refunds 5,800.00 / 6,400.00
Other Disbursements: 50,000.00 / 50,000.00
Total Disbursements 325,625.58 / 587,481.19
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 664,063.01
Total Receipts This Period 496,405.10
Total Disbursements This Period 325,625.58
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 834,842.53

I counted 75 out of state donors. I also counted 31 donations of $2400, 17 of more than that, and 6 of the max $4800. There were clusters of donations from Bucks County employees and his law firm, Begley, Carlin, as well as HiTech Engineers. These are balanced out by a donation from a priest. Fitzpatrick received PAC donations from the Kitchen Table Patrios and the Independence Hall Tea Party. In disbursements he paid 3 staff people. Odyssey Enterprises received $10K, the Townsend Group 13K, Tuesday Associaties $2600, Campaign Financial Services $13,600, LN consulting $15K, Strategic Media Placement $109K for media. He must have been feeling confident because in September he gave $50K to the Keystone Majority Fund.

13th Congressional District

Allyson Schwartz, Incumbent District (first elected 2004) (won in November)

Individual Itemized 158,175.00
Individual Unitemized 16,916.00
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 175,091.00 / 1,562,399.21
Political Party Committees 17.50 / 150.88
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 200,053.70 / 1,024,315.83
Total Contributions 375,162.20 / 2,586,865.92
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 132.05 / 8,662.46
Other Receipts 6,345.98 / 56,495.67
Total Receipts 381,640.23 / 2,652,024.05
Operating Expenditures 134,855.23 / 811,794.16
Refunds to Individuals/Persons 1,800.00 / 5,483.05
Other Political Committees (such as PACs) 0.00 / 1,000.00
Total Contribution Refunds 1,800.00 / 6,483.05
Other Disbursements 150,670.00 / 439,460.00
Total Disbursements 287,325.23 / 1,257,737.21
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 3,319,464.94
Total Receipts This Period 381,640.23
Total Disbursements This Period 287,325.23
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 3413779.94

There were 89 out of state donations. There were 3 donations of $2400, 27 of more than that, and 6 of the max $4800. There were, in keeping with the region’s strengths, eds and med clusters among donors. There were 3 salaried employees and it looks like she paid for health insurance. Cooper and Secrest, a research firm, received $45K, a fundraising firm $13K. She gave $10K to the Montgomery County Dems.

Dee Adcock

Individual Itemized 115,203.50
Individual Unitemized 20,206.50
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 135,410.00 / 259,357.00
Other Political Parties: 100.00 / 100.00
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 12,120.00 / 13,490.10
Total Contributions 147,630.00 / 272,947.10
Loans made by the candidate 0.00 / 360,000.00
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 0.00 / 1,399.72
Total Receipts 147,630.00 / 634,346.90
Operating Expenditures 139,202.99 / 340,547.24
Total Refunds 500.00 / 600.00
Total Disbursements 139,702.99 / 341,147.24
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 285,272.65
Total Receipts This Period 147,630.00
Total Disbursements This Period 139,702.99
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 293,199.66

There were 25 out of state donations. There were 11 donations of $2400, 15 of more than that, and 10 of the max $4800. Only 8 PACs donated. Among individual donors there were a cluster from WW Adcock employees. Go figure on that one. In disbursements, I counted 5 employees. He paid $27K to a firm that specializes in online advertising. This quarter the candidate loaned his campaign $360K.

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