Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Two Hollister Knowltons Are Better Than One

Today while reading about the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (home of Elizabeth Warren) "How Holly Petraues came to join the Obama administration," by Jake Tapper, Political Punch, I came across a familiar name:
So how did Hollister (Holly) Knowlton Petraeus come to be named to the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as will happen Thursday?

Petraeus first got involved with helping military families deal with financial scammers when her husband, Gen. David Petraeus, commanded the 101stAirborne Division and she saw military families suffer during deployments because scammers and predatory lenders victimized them to the point that their finances were in such disarray sometimes troops even needed to return to the base from abroad to deal with the problems.

Did everyone catch that? Hollister Knowlton. There is a lovely woman by that name in the Philadelphia area. She used to work at the William Penn Foundation and is now an environmental / ecological activist and Quaker. Being surprised by the name and wondering if the two could possibly be one and the same, I did some checking.

There are indeed two women named Hollister Knowlton. The one married to David Petraeus is the daughter of William Knowlton, and has children herself. Our Hollister Knowlton is the daughter of Phillip and Dorothy.

Both women have a great deal of public spirit and we are surely the better for both of them. But they aren't the same person. David Petraeus and Elizabeth Warren have a wonderful Hollister Knowlton but the Philadelphia area can be very proud of our own Hollister Knowlton.

So now you know.

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