Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Online Campaign Ad Firm

The Philadelphia area is home to a number of interesting political consulting firms. One, of the Republican flavor, is Campaign Grid, which specializes in web ads. They were highlighted in the PhillyDeals column in the Inky "Using Web to attack, raise election funds," by Joseph DiStephano (11/07).

Here's an excerpt:
CampaignGrid tried to reach male voters by bombing ads onto Yahoo and cable company sports pages. But Henry says Phillies online ads weren't especially effective. Voters burned out on negative messages, he added. "It affected turnout," Henry said. "People just got turned off."

Dittus agrees. "A lot of the population is disgusted with negative ads," he told me. "It affects the governing of the guy who wins. He won't be able to spend. No one will have faith in him. The negative stuff bothers me as a citizen."

The firm and its clients ended up with data on millions of donors and voters and their Web preferences.

"A lot of people still don't understand the fantastic ability to target people online, compared to TV ads," Luidhart told me. "With online ads, we can show something to men, something different to women, something different to Democrats, and to independents.

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