Monday, October 25, 2010

Fightin' Irish

Sen. Bob Casey, Jr. stopped in Bucks County this evening for an event in support of Congressman Patrick Murphy, held at the Ancient Order of the Hibernians in Bristol.

Murphy gave an update on the congressional race. He pointed out while the race would be close recent polls showed him ahead. He also said that his opponent had been nearly an hour late to a debate earlier in the day. In introducing Casey he mentioned that a picture of the senator's father is displayed in the AOH building.

Casey was in rare form this evening, dressed casually in jeans, fired up, and expressive. A number of times he reference a slogan on a Murphy campaign button: courage, character, commitment. He referenced courage several times, alluding to Murphy's military service and his work in Congress. Casey called the Republican strategy in congress stop, block, and demonize. As an example he mentioned the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act (HR 5297), which eventually passed and was signed into law, but was opposed by the Republicans. The bill gave a tax break to small businesses and provided funds for small and community banks.

He said that when George Bush took office there was a $236 billion surplus, and when Pres. Obama took office there was a $1.3 trillion deficit. Casey remarked on something Pres. Obama has said: We ran for office because we knew we could make a difference, especially when times are tough.

Casey's theme was that character matters and that Murphy's commitment to public service, in the military and in office showed character.

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