Saturday, September 25, 2010

(Very Belated) 2nd Quarter FEC Report Roundup

2nd Quarter FEC Reports

The 3rd quarter reports will be out on Oct. 16th; the 2nd quarter reports were released July 16, so this is report is very very late. Many apologies for that. The dual reports for the quarter slowed me down quite a bit. Once I got the hang of combining the data it went much faster.

First off, you can browse these reports yourself at As always I apologize in advance for any errors or misinterpretations. I am neither a lawyer nor an accountant, just an interested observer and these thoughts should be taken as such.

This quarter covers April – June, 2010. However, that time period is reported in two parts, a pre-primary (April 1 – April 28) and a second quarter (April 29 – June 30)

The numbers for each part of the three month period are listed with a + sign between them. The total for the election cycle is given after the /

Watch the itemized (over $250 donations), unitemized (smaller donations), and PAC ratios. Generally, you will find unitemized to be about 10% the amount of itemized and PAC’s either a half or quarter the amount of the itemized donations., at least for incumbents. In open races or in challenger’s reports, there are usually fewer PAC donations. They like to stick with people they are fairly certain are going to win.

At this point in the election cycle it isn’t easy to see who has donated the maximum amount possible. People can donate $2400 per “election,” which means $2400 for the primary and another $2400 for the general. Someone who donated $4800 cannot give that candidate any more money until after the November election. You can’t donate retroactively so if someone doesn’t start donating until after the primary they can only donate $2400. Everyone have that? No? I don’t blame you – it’s a little complicated, but we’ll do our best to keep it all straight.

UPDATED NOTE: Just about everyone received PAC donations from leadership PACS (usually those of party leaders, like Eric Cantor for the Republicans). Since this was pervasive I didn't mention it in the notes on individual candidates.
6th Congressional District

Manan Trivedi, Democrat

Itemized 30,701.00 + 251,740.19
Unitemized 10,777.50 + 35,731.86
Total of Contributions from Individuals $41,478.50 + 284,472.05 / 689,138.74
PACs 0.00 + 67,400/ 92,050.00
The Candidate: 0.00 + 1,938.46/ 18,320.79
Total Contributions: $41,478.50 + 356,810.51/ 799,509.53
Loans 0 + 36,000 / 36,000
Total Receipts: 41,478.50 + 392,810.51 / 835,509.53
Operating Expenditures: 72,771.50 + 214,570.87 / 505,477.04
Other Disbursements: 0 + 0 / 985.00
Total Disbursements: : 72,771.50 + 214,645.87 / 506,537.04
Cash Summary.
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 182,099.85
Total Receipts 41,478.50 + 392,810.51
Total Disbursements 72,771.50 + 214,645.87
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 428,971.49

Trivedi’s reports are scrambled and therefore difficult to work with.

In the pre-primary report he had 75 itemized individual donations, and no apparent PAC donations. If the 75, 18 were from out of state. There were two donations of $2400. Many donations came in via Act Blue, an online site for contributing to campaigns all across the country. Occupations of donors were unremarkable except perhaps for the one poet. In disbursements, he had six salaried employees and paid for health insurance. One consulting firm received $26K and a research firm was paid $6300.

In the 2nd quarter report, there were 356 non-memo (direct donations) an d144 memoed donations (such as those through Act Blue). There were 116 out of state donations, though some of these could have been repeated donations from the same person; with a scrambled report it is difficult to tell. Many of the out of state donations were from neighboring states such as New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. There werew 16 donations for $2400, 24 donations over $2400 and an additional 21 for $4800, which means they cannot donate again before the election. Among his donors there is one celebrity name – Nancy Sinatra. I caught some local bigwigs, plus a NYT writer, a song writer, and a teacher. There were 26 PAC donations, ten of which were political organizations. Vote Vets showed their support as did Allyson Schwartz’s We the People PAC. The IBEW is also a donor. Trivedi loaned his campaign another $4k for a total of $36K. In disbursements he had 8 salaried employees, though some were likely part-time, and he paid for health insurance.. He paid over $100K for direct mai

Jim Gerlach, incumbent Republican

Itemized 30,500.00 +156,668.00
Unitemized 6,555.00 + 10,175.00
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 37,055 + 166,843.00 / $600,859.38
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 19,600.00 + 263,900.00 / 755,308.50
Total Receipts 56,845.09 + 431,055.82/ 1,378,546.17
Operating Expenditures 94,794.67 + 152,517.18/ 846,658.98
Refunds, other disbursements: 2,725 + 0.00/ 39,075
Total Disbursements 97,519.67 + 185,092.18/ 1,054,583.98
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 336,180.71
Total Receipts This Period 56,845.09 +431,055.82
Total Disbursements This Period 97,519.67 + 185,092.18
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 541,469.77

Gerlach’s reports are arranged chronologically.

In the pre-primary Gerlach had 62 individual itemized donations, all but one from Pennsylvania. One was for $2400, two more than $2400 and one for $4800. Most of the donors were CEO types. He had 17 PAC donations, including one from the NRA victory Fund. Rob Wonderling’s campaign fund donated, as did Jacqueline Crahalla’s. In disbursements, there were three salaried employees as well as Campbell Campaigns, a firm that does political work. He hired four fundraisers or fundraising firms and paid them a total of just under $22K. At least one person was reimbursed for health insurance costs. He bought yard signs from two firms, one received $10k and the other just under 1K. the campaign must be confident since it could afford to give $1k to Tim Burns for Congress. He also bought gifts from Harry and David.

In the post-primary, there are 216 individual donations, mostly doctors, lawyers and executives, with a few homemakers thrown in. Only a handful are from out of state. There are 144 PACS, with clusters of medical groups, gambling organizations (Poker Players Alliance, and Dealer’s Election Action Committee), credit industry (Experian and TransUnion), railroads, and aviation. In disbursements there were three salaried employees. In disbursements, Campbell Campaigns was paid around $45,500. His bookkeeper earned about $12K. Another political consulting firm earned $13K, Three fundraising firms earned a total of around $17K.

7th Congressional District

Bryan Lentz, Democrat

Itemized 19,712.13 + 112,028.01
Unitemized 6,212.87 + 17,672.89
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 25,925.00 + 129,700.90/ 685,673.98
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 14,500.00 + 100,250.00/ 336,350.00
Transfers from Other Authorized Committees: 5,700.00 / 5,700.00
Total Receipts 40,425.00 + 235,732.56/ 1,027,805.64
Operating Expenditures 43,197.73 + 47,033.46 / 234,508.40
Other Disbursements: 4,281.00+ 2,281.00 / $6,562.00
Total Disbursements 47,728.73 + 49,914.46 / $241,920.40
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 607,420.87
Total Receipts This Period 40,425.00 + 234,732.56
Total Disbursements This Period 47,728.73 + 49,914.46
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 785,935.24

In the pre-primary Lentz had 60 itemized donations, 5 were from out of state. There were three donations of $2400, three over $2400 and one $4800. There were a lot of attorney, one librarian, and a donation from state rep Babette Josephs. Twelve PACs made donations. In the disbursements, he pad $20K for legal services (those petition challenges), interestingly there is a $2k donation to Connor 4Congress. There were 3 salaried employees. He donated $2281 to the state party.

In the 2nd quarter report, there were 315 itemized donations, 37 of them from out of state. Nine people gave $2400, six over $2400 and 4 $4800. Again a lot of lawyers, two different librarians from the one who gave in the pre-primary (he must be popular with the library crowd). There is a painter, a veterinarian, a biochemist, and the publisher of the Scranton Times. There are 42 PAC donations, including a large donation from the DCCC, two teachers union’s Chaka Chattah, and Allyson Schwartz’s PAC. There are 4 salaried employees. Again there was a $2281 donation to the state party. He paid for lawn signs, fundraising, and other political consulting.

Pat Meehan, Republican

Itemized 48,190.35 +277,210.18
Unitemized 6,230.10 + 18,425.56
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 54,420.45 + 295,635.74 / 1,260,683.69
Political Party Committees 0.00 / 1,000.00
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 11,000.00 + 149,820.00 / 383,320.00
Total Receipts 65,420.45 + 445,490.76 / 1,645,038.71
Operating Expenditures 41,988.59 + 219,406.66 / 516,486.80
Refunds: 0.00 / 4000.00
Other disbursements: 1,000.00 / 1,000.00
Total Disbursements 42,988.59 + 219,406.66 / 521,486.80
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 875,035.95
Total Receipts This Period 65,420.45 + 445,490.76
Total Disbursements This Period 42,988.59 + 219,406.66
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 1,123,551.91

The pre-primary reports was scrambled and therefore difficult to work with, but the 2nd quarter report was arranged chronologically.

In the pre-primary he is listed as having debts to seven vendors for a total of $5591.93; for carpeting, graphic design, Comcast and verizon. In donations there are 62 itemized donations, six are from out of state. There are three for $2400, one for more than that, and three for $4800. There are 11 PAC donations. In disbursements there are two salaried employees. He paid $1835 to El Airlines. He gave Tim Burns for Congress $1k. Two consultants (or consultant groups) were each paid $5K retainers. He bought event invitations and sample ballots. One surprising mention was a whiteboard and marker.

In the second quarter he received 318 itemized individual donations, 55 from out of state. There were 29 for $2400, eight for over $2400, and another nine for $4800. The bookkeeper needs to be a little more careful, some people were listed has having donationed $5800 and $4900, which means a refund is needed. There are a lot of people from credit unions donation (especially TruMark and C. U. Fianncial). He also received donations from a plumber and a racehorse manager. There are 74 PAC listed as donors. Thee is a credit union and banking cluster, a donation from Price Waterhouse, and an assortment of leadership PACs, along with the standard corporate PACs. One surprise was a Teamsters donation. In disbursements, he paid a consultaing firm $17K for press work, another $6 for literature, another firm received $12K, $38 for legal services, a Virginia fundraiswer received $14K, and over $8K for a copier or copier services. the Phillies received $3740 for fundraising expenses (he may have held a fundraiser at a game). There were no debts listed for this time period.

8th Congressional District

Patrick Murphy, Incumbent Democrat (elected 2006)

Individual Itemized 46,375.00 + 360,345.00
Individual Unitemized 5,707.33 + 57,573.37
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 52,082.33 + 417,918.37 / 1,935,609.20
Political Party Committees 0.00 / 1,060.00
PACS 13,100.00 + 99,400 / 692,325.00
Total Contributions 65,182.33 + 517,318.37 / 2,628,994.20
Transfers from Other Authorized Committees 0.00 / 5,000.00
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 74.00 + 1,478.01 / 24,570.64
Other Receipts 0.00 / 5,583.07
Total Receipts 65,256.33 + 518,796.38 / 2,664,147.91
Operating Expenditures 45,508.84 + 82,350.12 / 1,187,442.16
Total Refunds 0.00 + 100 / 1921.20
Other Disbursements 275.00 + 150.00 / 45,927.36
Total Disbursements 45,783.84 + 82,600.12 / 1,235,290.72
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 1,319,740.97
Total Receipts This Period 65,256.33 + 518,796.38
Total Disbursements This Period 45,783.84 + 82,600.12
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 1,775,409.72

In the pre-primary, there were 76 individual itemized donors, 15 from out of state. Two donated $2400, nine over $2400, and three topped out at $4800. There were the usual lawyers, etc. but also a higher education cluster and two psychologists. There were 13 PACs including the National Beer Wholesalers Association. In disbursements there were 4 salaried employees; Murphy paid health insurance costs. He paid the Phillies $3240 for a fundraiser. A fundraising firm received $9200.

In the 2nd quarter, there were 602 itemized individual donations, 203 from out of state. There were 29 donations of $2400, 49 donations of over $2400, and 24 people topped out at $4800. He had one librarian, plus a school nurse snd a few teachers. There was an arts cluster – sculptor, photographer, director, producer, and so on. Again, there was a higher education cluster. From PACs he had 55 donations including space Exploration Technologies. In disbursements there were six employees, and the campaign paid for health insurance. The fundraising firm received $4737, another consulting firm received $7500. The campaign buys a subscription for the Bucks County Courier Times.

Mike Fitzpatrick, Republican

Individual Itemized 43,730.00 + 287,361.00
Individual Unitemized 8,919.00 + 22,805.00
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 52,649.00 + 310,166.00 / 813,248.62
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 11,100.00 + 39,775.00 / 110,235.00
Total Contributions 63,749.00 + 351,941.00 / 925,483.62
Other Receipts 0.00 + 412.27 / 435.00
Total Receipts 63,749.00 + 352,353.27 / 925,918.62
Operating Expenditures 127,059.91 + 96,951.48 / 261,255.61
Refunds to Individuals/Persons 0.00 + 400.00 / 600.00
Total Contribution Refunds .00 + 400.00 / 600.00
Total Disbursements 127,059.91 + 97,351.48 / 261,855.61
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 472,372.13
Total Receipts This Period 63,749.00 + 352,353.27
Total Disbursements This Period 127,059.91 + 97,351.48
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 664,063.01

In the pre-primary, there were 62 itemized individual donations, six from out of state. Of these, six were for $2400, three for over $2400, and two for $4800. Teletronics must have held a fundraiser as there were several donations from employees there. Central Bucks Urology had another cluster of donations. There were five PACS. In disbursements, he spent over $14K for catering at one place, $3400 at another.. He paid one consulting firm about $18K, another $3K. The biggest expenditure is $158K to LN consulting of Harrisburg

In the 2nd quarter report, there were 386 itemized individual donations, 37 were from out of state. There were 17 donations of $2400, nine over $2400, and 13 people topped out at $4800. He received donations from a writer at the Spokesman Review. There were clusters of employees from Mignatti Companies and Carroll Engineering. A number of CEOs and executives donated and there was a also a pharmacy cluster. The campaign lists 24 PAC donations. Two of them, ACE Group PAC and the Ace Cash Express PAC, would seem related, though I did not do a thorough check to be sure. A mortgage bankers pac also donated. In disbursements. LN Consulting was again the big winner, receiving nearly $48K, A printer was paid $9K.

13th Congressional District

Allyson Schwartz, Incumbent District (elected 2004)

Individual Itemized 49,532.28 + 188,313.00
Individual Unitemized 7,546.01 + 9,001.00
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 57,078.29 + 197,314.00 / 1,387,258.21
Political Party Committees 0.00 + 13.73 / 133,38
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 25,900 + 146,186.45 / 824,262.13
Total Contributions 82,978.29 + 343,514.18 / 2,211,653.72
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 0.00 / 8,530.41
Other Receipts 0.00 + 6008.38 / 50,149.69
Total Receipts 82,978.29 +349,522.56 / 2,270,333.82
Operating Expenditures 41,807.86 + 72,233/ 676,936.95
Refunds to Individuals/Persons 708.05 + 800 / 3,683.05
Other Political Committees (such as PACs) 0.00 / 1,000.00
Total Contribution Refunds 708.05 + 800.00 / 4,683.05
Other Disbursements 2,570.00 + 46,275.00 / 288,915.00
Total Disbursements 45,085.91 + 119,308.00 / 970,535.00
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 3,051,184.98
Total Receipts This Period 82,978.29 +349,522.56
Total Disbursements This Period 45,085.91 + 119,308.00
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 3,319,291.92

In the preprimary there were 122 individual itemized donations, 25 of them from out of state; two were for $2400, six were over $2400, and one topped out at $4800. As usual this is a very tidy report, very organized. Among donors there were a lot of health professions and organizations, including a nurse midwife. There are the standard lawyers and executives. There is also a cluster of donations from people who work at non—profits. Eighteen PACs donated money. In disbursements there are two salaried employees and payments for health insurance. One fundraising firm received around $7K. She paid $8900 in website fees.

In the 2nd quarter there are 277 itemized donations, 67 were from out of state. A total of 11 people donated $2400, 27 doanted over $2400, and 12 topped out at $4800. The congresswoman must have been traveling – there are several donations from the Pittsburgh area. There is a cluster of donations from people in the medical and health fields. At least two firms, Berger & Montague, and also Morris Iron and Steel, must have had fundraisers as several employees from those firms show up. There are donations from 93 PACs, many from the medical area, as well as some unions. In disbursements, the fundraising firm received another $7K. There are legal fees of $11K. The campaign paid $25K to the DCCC and $5K to Emily’s List.

Dee Adcock

Individual Itemized 23,450.00 + 39,150.00
Individual Unitemized 5,255 + 9,636.00
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 28,705 +48,786.00 / 123,947.00
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 20.10 + 1,350.00 / 1,370.10
Total Contributions 28,725.10 / 50,136.00 / 125,317.10
Loans made by the candidate 0.00 + 275,000 / 360,000.00
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 0.00 / 1,399.72
Total Receipts 28,725.10 + 325,136.00 / 486,716.90
Operating Expenditures 20,767.97 + 92,776.93 / 201,344.25
Refunds to Individuals/Persons 0.00 / 100.00
Total Disbursements 20,767.97 + 92,776.93 / 201,444.25
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 44,956.45
Total Receipts This Period 28,725.10 + 325,136.00
Total Disbursements This Period 20,767.97 + 92,776.93
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 285,272.65

In the pre-primary Adcock loaned himself $85,000. There were 23 donations from others, one from out of state. Of those 23, 6 were for $2400. In disbursements, he paid six people. A consulting firm received $4K; the campaign paid $1655 for legal fees.

In the 2nd quarter the campaign listed $7K in debts and a total of $360K in loans. there were 59 individual donations, two from out of state. There were five donations of $2400, four for more than that and one topped out at $4800. A cluster of donations from Sandmeyer Steel indicates a corporate fundraiser. Adcock’executive assistant donated to the campaign and is also on the campaign payroll. In other disbursements there were six salaried employees. A consulting firm received $19K. Another firm received about $8500. He paid $7200 for radio ads. One printing firm was paid $16K and he paid $4k to the county Republican party for printing.

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