Last Thursday, Chris Brennan of Philly Clout talked with Dan Onorato, the Democratic candidate for governor. The five minute video is available on, at It is listed as being 18 minutes long but is actually on 5, so it's quick listen.
I typed up some brief notes, not intended as a transcription. As always, I apologize in advance for any errors or misconceptions.
Onorato is running against Republican Tom Corbett.
[Opening screen shot of Onorato talking]
DO: Considering that a year and a half ago I was down 25 points and now I'm 5 points down, with 40% not having an opinion, I'd say I'm making headway.
[Onorato and Brennan sit down to talk]
CB: Your campaign announced it had raised over $3M dollars, even though the next reporter period is about 6 weeks away, are you releasing that number to show momentum?
DO: The amount of money raised is a measuring stick but only one. The media reports on money when the reports are filed. This is another example of why my campaign if viable. Between fundraising, field operation, etc. we will win.
BC: Corbett is ahead. When will you go on the air and spend some of that money?
DO: I spent a lot of money in primary and had a big win. Both Tom and I need to get our name out there. We will run ads.
CB: You've held a fundraiser with Bill Clinton, possibly your biggest fundraiswer of the season. Will you ask President Obama to come and campaign for you? biggest fundraiers of season? BO?
DO: We haven't tried to contact the president yet.
CB: Corbett cals you his tax raising opponent. You placed a tax on alcoholic beverages. Corbett says he won't raise taxes but will balance the budget.
DO: His talk doesn’t match his rhetoric. He's never been an executive; he's never governed. The only department he runs he asks for more money each year. I know something about streamlining. I support a severance tax on Marcellus Shale; we can fund economic activity such as water and sewer lines.
CB: You are in favor the lowest severance tax in the country, as cited in a political publication.
DO: They got that wrong. They asked what I thought was a reasonable severance tax; I mentioned Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas as places that have taxes. We need to find a way that is safe for the environment but doesn't kill the industry.
Other Onorato news: If you follow Onorato on twitter (@dan_onorato) you will have noticed that this past weekend he was making his usual round of Philadelphia area picnics; one with Rep. Ron Waters Village Family Reunion another with Laborers Local 332, and I think there might have been a third event in there somewhere. Previously Onorato has visited with voters in, among other places, Montco, Bucks Co, and other sections of Philadelphia.
Mrs. Onorato has put together a small online photo scrapbook of his travels. Shelly has my sympathy -- I've been dealing with vacation photos recently.
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