Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Crowdsourcing in a Good Way

I can't attend this event but it sounds interesting. The organizers would like to have the Philadelphia group reflect the general population. If you would like to try solving the budget dilemma or just meet some good people, think about going.

from the inbox:
You are invited to participate in an event that can be a wake-up call for American democracy. It’s an event that has the potential to cut through the nasty exchanges that seem to characterize political discussion about important issues.

We invite you to a national town meeting to set citizen-based priorities for the federal budget:

·What: America Speaks: Our Budget, Our Economy
·When: Saturday, June 26, 2010, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (lunch and snacks will be provided)
·Where: 3801 Market Street, First District Plaza
·Childcare will be provided

Participants will be connected with people from 17 other cities so that we can share concerns and ideas, learn from each other and develop a set of priorities to give to Congress and the President.

Why come?

Here’s why it’s important for you to give up a Saturday to join with others around this issue:

Our national deficit is projected to grow at an unsustainable rate over the next 10 years. This threatens our ability to fund what’s most important to us. The country remains deeply divided over what our national priorities are and what we, as a people, are prepared to do to support them. Clearly we need to do something and let our leaders know what we will support. It's time to come together as a country to make the tough choices that will ensure America's future.

With thousands of American voices joined together, this has true game-changing potential! It can provide the kind of pressure that can lead our elected officials to start governing rather than positioning and polarizing.

To register: Philadelphia Town Meeting: Our Budget, Our Economy

For more information:

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