Friday, May 14, 2010

Dog Pile on Mike Fitzpatrick

Mike Fitzpatrick, who held the 8th congressional district from 2004 to 2006, and is one of four Republicans running for that office this year, is being hit from both the left and the right. The Bucks County Democratic Committee has created a YouTube video called "Yikes! Two Mikes!".

On the right, another candidate in the Republican primary, Gail Carlineo, released this statement:
Gloria Carlineo released the following statement with respect to additional issues where Mike Fitzpatrick is reversing his views:

"I am amazed yet again at the attempt by my opponent Mike Fitzpatrick to pander to the voters of the 8th District by conveniently forgetting that he is on the opposite side of an issue from when he was in Congress."

"In recent articles in the Courier Times and Intelligencer and in several recent campaign forums, Fitzpatrick stated he was against providing federal funding to "sanctuary" cities as a part of his solution to address illegal immigration. However, on May 17, 2005, Fitzpatrick stood side-by-side with Nancy Pelosi and voted against Amendment #138 to H.R. 2360 (the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2006) which sought to prevent State and local governments who refuse to share information with Federal immigration authorities from being able to obtain Federal funds."

"I strongly believe that actions speak louder than words and yet Mike Fitzpatrick seems to take the Obama approach by saying one thing while having done another."

"At another campaign forum, Fitzpatrick tried to explain that he only supported Card Check to force President Bush to reinstate the Big Labor-supported Davis-Bacon Act on federally funded Hurricane Katrina projects. Unfortunately, the facts don't support this contention as in a speech on October 27th, 2005, Fitzpatrick thanked the President for agreeing to reinstate the Davis-Bacon Act and later co-sponsored the Employee Free Choice Act on December 5, 2005. I am sure that the more than $88,000 that Fitzpatrick took in from Union PACs in 2005-06 had nothing to do with his support of Card Check."

"For those keeping track, FITZFLOPS in this campaign already include:

· Card Check: Fitzpatrick was a co-sponsor of the Employee Free Choice Act and is pictured on the AFL-CIO website signing an enlarged copy of the bill. In 2010, he is against Card Check.

· Cap and Trade: Fitzpatrick was a co-cosponsor with Henry Waxman on the Safe Climate Act of 2006. In 2010, he is against Cap and Trade.

· Earmark Reform: Fitzpatrick continued to fight for Pork Barrel Spending in the 109th Congress. In 2010, he wants earmark reform.

· Government Spending: Fitzpatrick received a "D" letter grade from the National Taxpayer Union in 2006. In 2010, he says we need to spend less.

· Energy/Off-Shore Drilling: Fitzpatrick opposed off-shore and ANWR drilling and voted against the American-Made Energy and Good Jobs Act of 2006. In 2010, he wants to explore drilling.

· Tax Cuts: Fitzpatrick opposed tax cuts and job creation (HR 6, The Energy Policy Act of 2005 - Roll Call #132 - 4/21/05). In 2010, he wants to focus on tax cuts and jobs.

· Statehood for Puerto Rico: Fitzpatrick supported statehood for Puerto Rico and co-sponsored the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2006 (H.R. 4867). In 2010, he is against statehood for Puerto Rico."

"As Ronald Reagan once stated 'Facts are stubborn things' and in this case, Mike Fitzpatrick is hoping that voters will not know or care. The 8th District deserves a consistent Conservative who will always stand up for what is right not just when it is politically convenient."

1 comment:

  1. Gloria Carlineo is the real deal. She is great on the issues and shows real stones. This is what we need in the race against Murphy. Check out this Fitzflop on Card Check...
