Quite a lot has been written about the money raised by State Sen. Anthony Williams for his gubernatorial campaign. (For example, see "Why three big donors got behind Williams," by John P. Martin, Inquirer 4/11).
I won't repeat that here but will instead take a look at some of the other money he raised (see his campaign finance reports on state website, www.campaignfinance.state.pa.us). From the total $1,725,906.48 raised, $1,640,000.00 came from PACS, $1,500,000 from three PACs (see article above for more discussion on this). There are five other, smaller PAC donations.
Another $1,010 came from individual donations of $50 to $250. There are seven donations in this category. An additional $84,400 came from larger donations, 30 of them, of more than $250.00. There are three donations in this category that are larger than the others. One donation of $15,000 is from a developer in Plymouth, a $10,000 from a Connecticut investment firm owner, and another $10,000 from someone now affiliated with the campaign. Several Ballard Spahr attorneys contributed. Four of these 30 donations are from out of state.
In disbursements, I see 5 people paid for consulting that is probably similar to salaried campaign work. The biggest expense is polling. Two DC polling firms are paid, one $35K and another $25K. A third firm from CA is paid $17K. The campaign paid Stones Phones $32 for phone calls. There is a $9K payment to a direct mail firm. The campaign also bought google ad words.
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