Friday, April 30, 2010

Joe Hoeffel's Campaign Finance Reports (Updated)

This post reviews the last (only) 2009 and first 2010 campaign finance reports for Joe Hoeffel’s gubernatorial campaign, for the last 2009 reporting cycle, and updates an earlier post with just 2009 data. He starts with nothing in the bank, raised $586,552.34, spent $484,969.71 and had $101,582.63 cash on hand at the end of the reporting cycle. The reports themselves at are

Contributions are divided into those under $50, $50 to $250, and over $250. Itemized donations are divided into those from political committees and other. Hoeffel raised $8,828 in donations of less than $50.00. For the $50 to 250 range, he received seven donations from political committees, for a total of $1,200. He raised $44,940.91 from a total of 690 donations. In the over $250 categories there are 21 PACs for a total of $103,809.87 and $366,168.40 from 311 others. Of the larger PAC donations, a little over $30,000 came from another of his campaign committees; I think it is the fund from his Montgomery County Commissioner campaign. There is a $20K donation from the Montgomery County Democrats, and $15K from Progressive Agenda PA.. A business PAC donated $10,000; the rest of the PAC donations are smaller.

Trends in occupations of individuals and the focus of PACs include a larger than expected showing from engineers firms. I’m not sure what significance that has. There were only a handful of out of state donations. One of the individuals donating is the VP of the Phillies. There were fewer donations from other campaigns than one might expect for such an experienced politician

There are no limits on donations in Pennsylvania, which can lead to very large donations. Hoeffel seems to get more of the smaller donations. The largest individual donation came, as previously mentioned, from another of his committees. Other than that there is $20K donation from the Montgomery County Democrats, and $15K from Progressive Agenda PA, and one $15,000 donation from a partnership that is known more for donating to Republican candidates and organizations than Democrats. There were three donations for $10,000, one from a woman (you go, girl!). Of the other two one is from someone who works in construction; the other is from a law partnership. That partnership includes Pennsylvania pensions and the PA Turnpike Commission among its clients. It also took a company to court on behalf o the shareholders in response to a large executive budget. I like them for that alone. Among occupations attorneys and construction interests predominate..

In expenditures, Hoeffel invests in people not gadgetry or media. He had seven employees in the 2009 report and 13 in the 2010 report, though not all of these are likely to have been full-time. He also made health insurance payments. In addition he has paid a total of $50,000 to the firm which has been providing campaign management. In addition he has other consultants. There is a pollster, website expenses, postage, and fundraising costs. Hoeffel paid for google ad words and for microblogging.

This is a clean and intriguing report, showing a broad base of support, and no real surprises.

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