Thursday, February 18, 2010

Infill Philadelphia

The Economy League's new newsletter has an article by Chris Scoville called "Green is in, but what about gray?" Initially I thought it was on the aging of Pennsylvania's population (and it also reminded me I need to have my hair color touched up), but the article is actually on the rehabilitation of the Philadelphia area's abandoned or underutilized industrial sites.

Here is an excerpt:
An initiative by the Community Design Collaborative called Infill Philadelphia, a partnership with the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), is attempting to resurrect these lost skeletons as they begin to roll out phase three, which is focused on retooling industrial sites for green, productive uses. Where we might see a structure reminiscent of Philadelphia's industrial glory days, they see vertical farming or the bones for affordable housing units (and new green jobs). They're focusing on the second R of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" and pushing to imagine shades of green in otherwise gray swaths of the built environment.

Check out the entire article this Friday..

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