Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Federal Funding for Washington's Crossing VA Cemetery

From the inbox:
Today, Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-8th District) announced a new round of federal funding that he recently secured for improvements to Stoopville Road . The $950,000 will ensure construction and improvements continue on Stoopville Road from Durham Road to Washington Crossing Road in Newtown Township and Upper Makefield Township.

Congressman Murphy has successfully secured $2.84 million in federal funding for these improvements, including $1.4 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

“Congressman Murphy continues to deliver on his local promises- this ensures that the Washington Crossing Cemetery and the roadways leading to it are given the care and attention that this important site deserves,” said Jerry Schenkman, Newtown Township Supervisor.

“I’m proud to fight for funding that creates jobs in Bucks and, most importantly, ensures that this project finally gets done,” said Rep. Murphy.

The Washington Crossing National Veterans Cemetery will draw thousands of new visitors to the area. Rep. Murphy has worked closely with members of the townships’ Boards of Supervisors to find ways to devote resources to traffic calming measures that will keep local residents, commuters, and school-children safe. Planned improvements include landscaped medians and gateway treatments along with a pedestrian/bicycle path to promote safe and efficient travel along the roadway and to access adjoining land. The ability to secure these federal funds was a critical factor in ensuring that Bucks County was chosen as the location for the National Veterans Cemetery .

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