Monday, December 28, 2009

Lentz Calls for Eachus to Step Down

From the inbox:
Representative Bryan R. Lentz (D-Delaware County) today released the following statement calling for the removal of current Majority Leader Todd Eachus and for the election of newleadership in the House Democratic Caucus. Rep. Bill DeWeese, a former speaker of the state House and majority whip, has already resigned his leadership post after being indicted on several charges relating to the use of tax-payer money for campaign purposes. State Representative Frank Dermody, a former prosecutor, was elected to replace DeWeese. The resignation and subsequent election were followed by the release of grand jury testimony describing the current Majority Leader as using taxpayer funded assets for campaign purposes.

“My experiences as an officer in the 82nd Airborne Division tell me that there are times when an entire chain of command must be relieved in order to restore confidence in an organization.

“That time has come for the House Democratic caucus.

“A cloud of corruption has hung over our Commonwealth for too long and we must take clear affirmative steps to regain the confidence of the citizens of Pennsylvania.

“The election of new leaders will show the people that our caucus is capable of self-correction and serious about cleaning up Harrisburg.

“Elected representatives have a sworn obligation to the citizens of Pennsylvania and are responsible for moving legislation to confront and conquer the challenges we face as a Commonwealth. Dramatic action must be taken in order to fulfill this obligation and begin a new day.

“A caucus reorganization focused on developing and executing reform will allow us to better serve the public and restore the prestige of this important and historic institution.”

Bryan Lentz is a former Airborne Ranger, criminal prosecutor and Iraq war veteran who currently serves in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from Delaware County. He was awarded both the Bronze Star for Service and the War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal for his military service. He lives in Swarthmore with his wife Jennifer and their son Thomas.

1 comment:

  1. Eachus may be resigning shortly, according to the Sights on PA blog, Eachus' website is off the internet and the blinds are drawn all the way to the floor at his Hazleton, Luzerne County office.

    In the Luzerne County investigation, many of the public officials who have been charged have resigned shortly before their plea agreements have been made public.

    It looks like Eachus has cut a plea deal and has been cooperating with the FEDs, he possibily could have been wearing a wire.

    The only questions left for Eachus is whether to chalk him up as number 26 in Harrisburg or number 25 in Luzerne County and who is Mr. Big ???
