In the Sept. 28th issue of the New Yorker, there is an article entitled "Getting to no," by Peter J. Boyer. It isn't freely available online -- you have to either pick up a printed copy or have a digital subscription. The focus is on the Republican base, as framed by the Pennsylvania senate race. Pat Toomey, his conservative roots, and shift toward the center are a prime focus, as is Arlen Spector's party shift. Joe Sestak just sort of peeks out from the wings now and then.
I find these two points from p. 33 on Toomey hard to reconcile:
"Toomey did not mention abortion, which he thinks should be prohibited, or gay marriage, which he opposes."
"That unifying idea -- personal freedom, and its corollary, limited government -- is not only Toomey's creed but his strategy as well."
So, personal freedom for everyone except pregnant women and gay people, and limited government except in medical decisions and social issues?