Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lentz Endorsed by Delco AFL-CIO

From the inbox:

Lentz Receives Early Endorsement from AFL-CIO

~Unanimous early vote is unprecedented~

SWARTHMORE, PA —State Representative Bryan R. Lentz announced today that the Delaware County American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) unanimously endorsed him for Congress, despite the fact that he has not formally announced his candidacy yet and the election is still a full thirteen months away. This is a key endorsement this early in the process and it demonstrates Lentz’s strength as a candidate as he continues to build his campaign organization.

“On Wednesday night, we unanimously endorsed Bryan Lentz for Congress,” Obie O’Brien, ALF-CIO President, stated. “It was an unprecedented vote because not only was it unanimous, it also came early in the process. We wanted to get behind Bryan quickly because we know him, we trust him and have complete confidence that he will continue to fight for the men and women who are the backbone of our economy when he goes to Washington .”

The Delaware County AFL-CIO has over 7,000 members and family members living and working in Delaware County . The AFL-CIO is a voluntary confederation consisting of over 56 national and international labor unions. The union represents a total of 11.5 million workers, ranging from teachers and firefighters to doctors and laborers.

Representative Lentz had been an advocate for working families in the State House. A prime sponsor of the Construction Workplace Fraud Act, Lentz cracked down on construction industry employers who denied workers benefits by misclassifying their status.

“America's workers must share equitably in our nation's prosperity and I will fight hard everyday to ensure that our working men and women have good wages, affordable health care and access to quality education for their children,” Lentz stated. “I am honored to receive the unanimous endorsement of the AFL-CIO and I will always stand with the American workers in Congress.”

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