Monday, August 31, 2009

Hoeffel for Gov?

The 2010 gubernatorial election is over a year away but the jockeying for position has already begun. Former congressman and state representative, and current Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Hoeffel is considering throwing his hat in the ring. A statement posted on his personal website and sent to supporters on email says in part:

I am a pragmatic progressive. I am socially liberal and fiscally responsible. I have fought for 23 years in Norristown, Harrisburg and Washington for economic development, public education, government reform and social justice, all within balanced budgets.

I believe government has to learn how to deliver more services cheaper, smarter and better. I believe that government works best with coalitions that cross party lines and bridge rural and urban communities. I will sponsor summits to bring competing interests together and I will hold town meetings in every county every year. Pennsylvanians ought to have the chance once a year to come down to the town hall and yell at their governor.

So there you have it. Hoeffel for Governor? What do you think? Should I get into this race? I am very interested in your advice, so please let me hear from you.

Laura Vecsey of the Patriot News wrote today, in her online column PAPolitics:
However, it was interesting last Friday at the Pennsylvania Democratic Party committee meeting in Camp Hill that Montgomery County's Joe Hoeffel came out and laid down the gauntlet for progressive politics, echoing Joe Sestak's campaign verbiage.

The spring of 2010 could bring more than one interesting primary to the Pennsylvania polls.

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