Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another PECO Survey

You can tell the utility rate caps are going to come off soon. I got another telephone survey call this evening on electrical and gas usage, etc. There were several questions on who supplied us with electricity and gas, how we would rate the service, the price, and so on. There were a lot of questions on how well PECO provided customer service and what kind of work their field people did. It was a LONG call. Most of the questions had a Lickert scale (on a scale of 1 to 10 ....) but a few were open ended. They guy who called me could be heard repeating what I said and typing in the background. He was a slow typist and asked me to repeat some things.

It was actually an annoying call, and I am usually fairly patient with these things, mostly because it was far too long and there were several questions that I could not answer and there was no "not applicable" or "no answer" answer. There was some frustration with my refusal to make a guess on how helpful customer service was during power outages when I've never called customer service during a power outage. That sort of thing.

There was also a series of questions on PECO's community involvement and conservation efforts. They aren't sponsoring or promoting anything I go to so I have no clue on their community involvement.

Mr. J has signed us up with a program that lets us prepay a little money each month to lessen the impact of rate increases over the next couple years. He said they will add some interest and if you move before the program clicks in you will get your money back with interest.

Make of it what you will.

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