Okay, here we go again. First off, you can browse these reports yourself at www.fec.gov. As always I apologize in advance for any errors or misinterpretations. I am neither a lawyer nor an accountant, just an interested observer and these thoughts should be taken as such.
This quarter covers April – June, 2009.
Keep your eye on individual donations vs. PAC’s
Some candidates, such as Doug Pike, Allyson Schwartz, and Patrick Murphy, leave their reports in alphabetical order. That makes it easy to see who donated what when. Some arrange their reports chronologically so you can see the pattern of donations. Others, most of the other candidates listed here, scramble their reports so the names are not in alphabetical order or the donations on chronological order and that makes it darn difficult to keep track of them. Transparency, folks, a little more transparency please. Yes, this thwarts your opponent but it thwarts your constituents too.
If there are two numbers one is for the quarter, the other for the election cycle to date.
Watch the itemized (over $250 donations), unitemized (smaller donations), and PAC ratios. Generally, you will find unitemized to be about 10% the amount of itemized and PAC’s either a half or quarter of that. Sestak has a lower percentage of PAC donations than you might expect, Gerlach has a much larger percentage.
6th Congressional District
Gerlach has announced that he plans to run for governor so it may not be fair to compare these reports. However, note that even without his own money contributions, Pike raised more money for individuals than Gerlach.
Jim Gerlach, Republican incumbent
Contributions (other than loans)
Itemized 91,485.00
Unitemized 14,869.89
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 106,354.89 / 167,751.89
Political Party Commitees 100.00 100.00
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 93, 925.00 / 182,675.00
Total Contributions 200,379.89 / 350,526.89
Transfers From Other Authorized Committees 0.00 / 618.24
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 80.00 / 3,354.92
Other Receipts 8,736.40 / 14, 752.60
Total Receipts 209,196.29 / 369,252.65
Operating Expenditures 122,064.24 / 371,388.80
Other Disbursements 11,350.00 / 15,300.00
Total Disbursements 133,414.24 / 386,688.80
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 124,289.38
Total Receipts This Period 209,196.29 / 369,252.65
Subtotal 333,485.67
Total Disbursements This Period 133,414.24 / 386,688.80
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 200,071.43
Contributions listed chronologically not alphabetically. Most donors are from in-state. Only two newly maxed out contributors. His gubernatorial campaign reimburses his congressional campaign for rent and other expenses. Campbell Campaigns was paid over 35K for media and other campaign services. A DC fundraiser was paid 21K, a Texas fundraiser was paid 6K. There are two paid employees, at least one has health insurance. The bookkeeper earned 6K; the campaign 4K in legal fees.
Doug Pike, Democratic challenger
Contributions (other than loans)
Itemized Individuals 123,622.90
Unitemized Individuals 18,552.71
Total from Individuals 142,175.61
PACS 11,500
The Candidate 510,000.00
Total Contributions 663,675.61
Operating Expenditures 33,789.66
Total Disbursements 33,789.66
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 0.00
Total Receipts This Period 663,675.61 / 66,3675.61
Subtotal 663,675.61
Total Disbursements This Period 33,789.66 / 33,789.66
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 629,885.95
This is Pike’s first report so there is no second, cycle to date, column. The report is easy to read, 7 maxed out contributors, many out of state contributors, a lot of smaller, $100 to $500 contributions, standard mix of doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, with some retired newspaper people, librarians, and publishers mixed in, so he can revisit the well a number of times. Note he also received over $18K in unitemized, smaller, contributions. There will probably have to be an amendment because I think his money will have to be listed as a loan and not a contribution, though he can forgive the loan later if he so chooses. In PACS, there is a $2K from Patrick Murphy’s PAC, and a $1K from Allyson Schwartz’s PAC. Disbursements are primarily for fundraising. One such consultant received $12K, a second $1K and a third, nearly $3K. A management consultant received $6K. He is using NGP software. There are also standard payments for rent, phones, etc.
7th Congressional District
I don’t think any Republicans have formally announced for this race. Craig Williams who ran against Sestak in 2008 still has an active campaign but this quarter he was spending it down and not bringing in any new contributions. To further complicate matters, Sestak has said that he intends to run for Senate but has not filed formal papers. So unless Sestak changes his mind it is an open seat.
Joe Sestak, Incumbent Democrat (elected 2006)
Individuals Itemized 755,631.15
Individuals Unitemized 63,592.88
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 819,224.03 / 1,190,275.05
Political Party Commitees 178.41 / 273.23
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 219,700.00 / 395,700.00
Total Contributions 1,039,102.44 / 1,586,248.28
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 0.00 / 178.23
Other Receipts 1,1105.79 / 31,101.68
Total Receipts 1,050,208.23 / 1,617,528.19
Operating Expenditures 124,898.87 / 413,169.76
Refunds of Contributions To:
Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees 1,000.00 / 10,780.00
Other Political Committees (such as PACs) 0.00 / 1,461.71
Total Contribution Refunds 1,000.00 / 12,241.71
Other Disbursements 0.00 / 5,000.00
Total Disbursements 125,898.87,/,43,0411.47
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 3,343,701.22
Total Receipts This Period 1,050,208.23 / 1,617,528.19
Subtotal 4,393,909.45
Total Disbursements This Period 125,898.87 / 430,411.47
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 4,268,010.58
This report is not arranged alphabetically or chronologically but is simply scrambled. First are a random arrangement of straight donations, then scrambled donations via ActBlue and similar options, then PACs. So this number is very rough but I counted 63 newly maxed out contributors. Among his notable contributors are Richard Mellon Scaife of Pittsburgh, newspaper publisher and Clinton bĂȘte noire, and novelist John Grisham, both of him donated as much as legally allowed. Other names on his list are Pasquale Croce, and George Cornelius, secretary of the PA DECD. Two officials at the San Francisco Zoo made donations. Along with the usual doctors lawyers and Indian chiefs there were a handful of filmmakers and a noticeable number of academics, as well as some architects, an electrician (not THAT one, just a regular electrician), and some other regular folks. Sestak keeps his disbursements low. There are five paid staffers, and some health insurance payments; two if not three of the staffers are siblings of the candidate. His brother is paid nearly 6K a month for campaign work. However, there are no pricey consultants. One unusual note -- $1800 for a San Francisco resident for catering. His rent prices tend to be a little high, $4500 a month.
8th Congressional District
No Republicans have formally announced for this race. Tom Manion who ran against Murphy in 2008 has filed a termination report and closed the financial aspect of his campaign
Patrick Murphy, Incumbent Democrat (elected 2006)
Individual Itemized 319,485.30
Individual Unitemized 22,678.00
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 342,163.30 / 569,399.81
PACS 127,250.00 / 264,800.00
Total Contributions 469,413.30 / 834,199.810.00
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 2,296.80 / 4,915.88
Other Receipts 88.56 / 269.08
Total Receipts 471,798.66 839,384.77
Operating Expenditures 246,082.87 / 706,426.53
Other Disbursements 20,050.00 / 20,050.00
Total Disbursements 266,132.87 / 726,676.53
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 254,094.98
Total Receipts This Period 471,798.66 / 839,384.77
Subtotal 725,893.64
Total Disbursements This Period 266,132.87 / 726,676.53
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 459,760.77
Murphy’s reports are a pleasure to deal with. The contributions record is extremely transparent, arranged alphabetically. There are 13 newly maxed out contributors. No names jumped out at me (though one occupation did). Murphy’s itemized contributors represent a broad spectrum and it is just a guess going by names and locations but it looks like a lot of small businesses in the area support him. Most of the contributors are from in state. The cute puppy photo of Murphy’s dog on his congressional website might be paying off – there were donations from two people at the Palm Beach Kennel Club. A few soldiers, who are generally not well paid, thought enough of him to send in donations. He also made an impression on the literary agent who handled his autobiography, Taking the Hill, as she is a regular donor to his campaign. In PAC donations there were a number from the health care field and some sizeable donations from the IBEW. In disbursements, seven employees are listed and there are payments for health insurance. He lists nearly $15K in taxes and $1300 in legal fees. He paid off two vendors, $36K to Squier Knapp Dunn for media and $39K to Stones Phones. Sutters Mill, a DC based fundraising consulting firm received around $25K, two other funraising consultants received a total of $6K. He paid $4300 for his website which looks to me exactly the same as it has for the last year. The might need to turn off the lights as they leave the room as there were nearly $8 in utilities. The Hyatt Regency received $5700 for catering. The Murphy campaign divested some questioned donations by donating to a number of charities. He also contributed to Dan McCaffrey’s Philadelphia DA campaign. The only remaining debt is one that has been lingering for some time, for a copier machine lease.
13th Congressional District
Allyson Schwartz, Incumbent District (elected 2004)
Individual Itemized 288,592.31
Individual Unitemized 22,279.98
Total Of Contributions From Individuals 310,872.29 / 570,430.480.00
Political Party Commitees 18.86 / 77.74
Other Political Committees (such as PACS) 153,373.26 / 282,873.260.00
Total Contributions 464,264.41 / 853,381.480.00
Offsets to Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 726.34 / 726.34
Other Receipts 8,586.10 / 23,087.82
Total Receipts 473,576.85 / 877,195.64
Operating Expenditures / 85,686.27 / 242,046.91
Refunds to Individuals/Persons 175.00 / 1,175.00
Other Political Committees (such as PACs) 1,000.00 / 1000.00
Total Contribution Refunds 1,175.00 / 2,175.00
Other Disbursements 1,475.00 / 12,0955.00
Total Disbursements 88,336.27 / 365,176.910.00
Cash Summary
Cash On Hand At Beginning Of Reporting Period 2,146,271.25
Total Receipts This Period 473,576.85 / 877,195.64
Subtotal 2,619,848.10
Total Disbursements This Period 88,336.27 / 365,176.91
Cash On Hand At Close Of The Reporting Period 2,531,511.83
Schwartz’s reports are also a pleasure to work with, very transparent and neatly arranged. She has four newly maxed out contributors. Along with the usual array of occupations, there are a noticeable number of people from health care administration and the financial sector. This is represented in the PAC donations as well. While her support is national, most donations are from in-state. In disbursements two employees are listed, along with health insurance payments. A DC fundraiser was paid 10K. She has a new firm for phone (robocalls and teletownhall meetings, not regular phone stuff) which received $10K as well. The campaign paid 6K to the Radisson Hotel in Philadelphia which was probably for her annual women in politics event. Other than her impressive numbers there’s nothing of note here. Move along.
Damian Dachowski, Republican challenger
To make things simpler since Dr. Dachowski (a dentist) got into the campaign late in the quarter, let me just list his numbers. The campaign raised $13,537.16, spent $4,3520.6, for a cash on hand amount of $9,340.39.
Most of the itemized contributions and the disbursements are in-kind, often the same thing listed in both places. I wonder if an amendment is in the offing. Most of the in-kind disbursements are from the candidate.
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