Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sestak Edges Closer

Yesterday Rep. Joe Sestak send out a fundraising email (maybe it went out sooner -- I got it yesterday) that sounds an awful lot like a declaration that he's running for Senate. Not exactly saying that but awfully close to the line.

The links didn't come through but if you want to donate to whatever campaign he is planning, you can do so at

We have a big decision coming up, and an important help in the success of that decision is what you do right now.

Pennsylvania Democrats should not be told who to vote for -- they should get a say in choosing their nominee for U.S. Senate, not the Washington establishment. I'd like to give Pennsylvanians that opportunity!

I know the challenges we face in changing the "politics of old" and that there are powerful interests lining up against us ... but with your support ... we will succeed. Committing to this race means knowing that we will have the grassroots' support necessary to win.

Your support right now will be a big factor in beginning that win!

Please Contribute: Contribute $10, $25, $50, or $100 on up, today, to support a genuine primary in Pennsylvania. Contribute

I believe that Pennsylvania deserves a real Democrat in its Senate seat, someone who always has and always will stand up for the values we believe in ... not someone who might be with us just this year or next year for their own political survivability, who is a "flight-risk" ... but rather someone who will be with us 2, 4, 6 years down the road.

We've got huge issues to address in our future for years to come that will need new ideas and energy -- fights on affordable, accessible, quality health care for all; on economic growth policies; on educational opportunities; on energy independence; on national defense security; on environmental conservation; on judicial nominees; and on civil rights that will affect our children. Are we Pennsylvania Democrats, now struggling every day to survive the legacy of the Bush Administration, being told that we have to sit these fights out because the Washington establishment has chosen to annoint a nominee who consistently voted for, and supported, the Bush policies? That our interests are best represented by an individual who was registered with, and who for fought for, the Republican Party and its principles the past 45 years, including the last 8 years of the Bush Presidency? That we have no choice who gets to speak for us ... or who we are to vote for?

But that's exactly what the Washington establishment is telling us Pennsylvanians.

Please Contribute: Advocate for a primary in Pennsylvania by contributing $10, $25, $50, $100, or whatever you are able to afford. Each amount, no matter how small, affirms the existence of the democratic process in Pennsylvania. Contribute

Last year, there was a historic race that challenged the establishment and affirmed the democratic process of choice. It was driven forward by people who believed in now-President Obama's message of bringing "change" to the old ways of Washington ... changing the "politics of old" and the "legacies of the past," rather than re-establishing them.

As President Obama's election demonstrated, it is time for a new generation of leaders to come forward and to assume the mantle of responsibility, and accountability.

What will you do to affirm the democratic process of choice and of change? Right now, your financial support will not only affirm our country's democratic process but will also drive forward the message that you too believe it is time for a change in Pennsylvania, and time for a new generation of leaders in Pennsylvania to come forward and assume our generation's mantle of responsibility.

I promise you that together, we can ... and we will ... effect change. Change means change!

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