Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Shapiro Meets with PennDems (Again?)

At the end of March, State Rep. Josh Shapiro was scheduled to meet with the PennDems, the University of Pennsylvania student Democratic organization. I don't know if that meeting was postponed or if he just likes the company, but Shapiro is scheduled to have a Q&A with them again this evening.J


  1. the date on a previous e-mail was wrong -- he never came in March, but the event last night was excellent -- he even shared some information about his intentions...

  2. Thanks for the update.

    And his intentions are? .....

  3. the quote was something along the lines of how Pres. Obama needs a filibuster-proof majority to enact his agenda of change, followed by (and this is verbatim) "I would like to be that 60th Senator to end that filibuster and get Pres. Obama's agenda through." He mentioned the official announcement would come in the next 3-4 weeks and there may be a Phila office up and running by early summer.
