Saturday, April 04, 2009

Murphy and Casey Win By A Nose

This past Wednesday was the 22nd Home Court Charity Basketball Game between Georgetown Law School professors and a team from Capitol Hill, including Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey, Jr. and Congressman Patrick Murphy. Following up on a tweet from Det Ansinn I can confirm that Murphy broke his nose during the game but continued playing.

Politico has an article on the game, complete with pictures and an 8 minute video (see "VIDEO: Congress hoops it up," by Patrick Gavin 4/02. the video is worth watching. About halfway through a woman who is seemingly sober and of sound mind calls Casey "a hot stud."

The game raised, according to Ansinn, $350,000. Proceeds go to the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless. Those who have read Murphy's autobiography Taking the Hill (and, really, who hasn't?) will remember that he worked at a legal clinic in college (p. 38).

If you watch the video you might guess that basketball is not Murphy's sport of choice. That's true, in his book he writes about playing hockey. He still does. Last month, according to Famous DC, he played on a team in a charity match. See "Lawmakers vs lobbyists hockey game," 3/09; proceeds going to the Fort Dupont Ice Hockey Club. No mention of any injuries in that game.

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