Thursday, April 02, 2009

Health Care Event on Bridge

Over at Young Philly Politics, Marc Stier is inviting everyone out to the Ben Franklin Bridge this Saturday:
This is the year to finally pass health care reform. But it won't happen unless we build a movement big enough to roll the insurance companies

You can start on nn Saturday, April 4 at 1:00 PM as Health Care For America in Pennsylvania and New Jersey will come together for a rally and a march across the Benjamin Franklin Bridge.

The rally will begin at Benjamin Franklin square a grassy triangle on 5th Street, just south of Vine Street, facing the bridge.

A contingent from Bucks County are meeting at Langhorne SEPTA Station, Bellevue & Comly Avenues, Langhorne, 19047 10:15 am. After introductory remarks people will carpool or take the train into the city for the rally and march.

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