Today the House Budget Committee unveiled their fiscal year 2010 budget resolution. The budget resolution establishes the top-line amount of money that will be spent in this year’s appropriations bills, as well as putting forth policies and goals for deficit reduction.
As Budget Committee Vice Chair, U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-PA) has been a vocal advocate for a fiscally responsible budget that makes deficit reduction a top priority, while ensuring that we make smart, innovative investments in healthcare, energy, and education.
Schwartz’s opening statement follows below.
“I thank Chairman Spratt for his important work on the budget before us – embracing the President’s goals to rebuild the economy, restore fiscal integrity and giving Congress the ability to make investments needed for our future prosperity and security.
“First, we understand that President Obama and this Congress inherited the results of eight years of failed Republican fiscal and economic policies – an economy in recession, and a federal budget deeply in debt.
“President Obama and this Congress have already taken action to rebuild our economy by providing tax relief to 95% of Americans; creating jobs by assisting small businesses and states; investing in needed infrastructure; and investing in energy independence, health IT, and education.
“This budget builds on these essential actions and enables Congressional action to lead us to future economic growth.
“First, by restoring fiscal responsibility with an honest budget that anticipates expenditures for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, for domestic natural disasters, for tax relief and obligated entitlements.
“This budget also restores fiscal balance by committing to cut the deficit in half in 5 years.
“Second, this budget makes responsible, significant investments in three areas, enabling Congress to define the specific means and the specific ways to accomplish these goals.
“These investments build on the actions we have already taken and are essential to our economic recovery and our economic growth.
“Simply, we will not be prepared, nor we will not be economically competitive if we do not tackle these three key challenges.
“One, education. This budget puts resources in early childhood initiatives, in basic education for K-12, and better enables Americans to afford to go to college with grants and tax credits – ensuring an educated, skilled workforce of the future.
“Two, energy. This budget sets aside a revenue neutral reserve fund which calls on Congress to find a way towards energy independence through alternative, home grown, cleaner fuels and energy efficiency.
“Three, healthcare. This budget sets aside a revenue neutral reserve fund with reconciliation language to ensure that Congress contains the unsustainable costs in the public and private sectors that improves quality and efficiency so Americans get the very best, appropriate care they need, and extends access to meaningful, affordable health coverage for all Americans.
“This budget calls for action that responds to the concerns of American families and American businesses.
“It enables the Congress to define the many details through debate and hearings here in Congress and with our constituents – the American people.
“Support for this budget is support for fiscal responsibility and support for the investments needed for the health and well being of Americans and the economic prosperity and security they deserve.”
Cranky introvert who sometimes thinks about politics, somewhere in the greater Philadelphia area
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Schwartz on the Budget
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