Friday, January 23, 2009

Interesting Theory or Tinfoil Hat Time?

This evening I talked with an old college buddy who has traveled widely, including a stay in India a few years ago. She told me she thought there was some symbolism in what the new first family was wearing at the inaugural. The colors of their clothes struck her as emblematic of some of the world's religions. I'm not up on what colors represent what religions but did say I would, with her permission, post it here.

Pres. Obama -- black (Muslim)
Mrs. Obama -- close to saffron (Buddhist)
oldest Obama daughter -- purplish blue (Christianity / Judaism?)
younger Obama daughter -- orange yellow and pink (Hindu)

You can vote: interesting theory or tinfoil hat time?


  1. Is tin foil the color of the Flying Spagetti Monster? :)

  2. I think silver is for the Zorostrians.
