Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sitemeter Notes for the Day

I haven't been as obsessive as usual in keeping track of sitemeter stats lately and so have only reviewed part of the day's usage, but there are some interesting blips.

Over the past few days the 151st state house race between freshman Democrat Rick Taylor and Republican challenger Todd Stephens was a popular search item. Not so much today.

From 11:30 - 2:30 there were a lot of searches for Congressman Patrick Murphy and the Republican challenger Tom Manion for the 8th congressional district. What is odd is that people search for both names, not just one.

There have been a number of searches for Marina Kats (running against Democratic Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz in the 13th district).

Rich Costello, the Democrat trying to unseat John Perzel has been popular. I wish him luck.

Guy Ciarrocchi and Paul Drucker, competing for Carole Rubley's State House seat in Chester and Montco have also been popular, with more people looking for info on Ciarrocchi than Drucker.

The oddest in the group is a 2-day rush of searches for Tom Ellis's views on abortion. He's running for state treasurer, people, it really doesn't matter. Ellis is the Republican. I've seen less interest in Democrat Rob McCord, but perhaps the people intending to vote for him are looking for more job-related credentials.

I've also had some hits on the water / sewer referendum.

This rush of blog usage always happens on election day and it always makes me happy. It means that people are researching the candidates before they vote.

More updates throughout the day.

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