Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Movin' On Up

Josh Drobnyk (the only one of the three bloggers at Pennsylvania Avenue who seems to have any familiarity with a comb -- look at the photos) reports that two of our suburban Philadelphia congressional representatives are moving up, or hope to.

Patrick Murphy (D-08) has expressed interest in being a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee.

Allyson Schwartz (D-13) is now a vice chair of the centrist New Democratic coalition, made up of 71 House members. According to Schwartz's press release:

NewDems are expected to play a pivotal role in healthcare reform in the coming Congress. As a co-chair of the NewDems Healthcare Task Force, Schwartz has already played a lead role for the NewDems on healthcare, and is expected to continue this role.

“Healthcare, healthcare, healthcare – it is the common denominator of all the economic and social issues facing our nation. I am a firm believer that the NewDems will champion the necessary reform of our healthcare system in the coming Congress, and I look forward to leading that effort. Families, businesses and government can no longer sustain out-of-control costs. A first step will be to pass a comprehensive children’s health plan to ensure working families can afford healthcare for their children. We must then work with the new Administration to provide all Americans with market-based quality, affordable healthcare,” said Schwartz.

Members of the Coalition voted unanimously to approve the new slate. Elections took place at the Coalition’s organizational retreat on Tuesday in the Capitol, during which the NewDems also inducted 15 newly elected Members. The new Members bring the group’s total to 71 Members.

The New Democrat Coalition, always leaders on the economy and innovation, is committed to enacting policies that maintain U.S. competitiveness, meet the challenges posed by globalization in the 21st Century and strengthen our national security.

The Coalition currently operates three task forces dealing with Financial Services, Healthcare and Energy issues. The NewDems are dedicated to providing the leadership necessary to implement policies that will ensure that America rebuilds its prosperity and global leadership.

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