Wednesday, November 12, 2008

For Those With Election Withdrawal

The weeks right after an election are tough to the politically minded. Your candidate won or didn't. You are tired and your email inbox is empty. Fear not, dear friends, there are still a few undecided races to tide you over until the next round.

One of these is a Dec. 3rd run-off election in Georgia. Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss is facing Democrat Jim Martin. This is of particular interest to friends and supporters of former Sen. Max Cleland, who lost three limbs in Viet Nam. Chambliss, who defeated Cleland in 2002, ran ads questioning Cleland's patriotism; it especially rankled that Chambliss received deferments during the war and so did not serve himself.

Max Cleland visited Pennsylvania a number of times in 2006 to campaign for veterans running for office. I heard him speak a couple of times while he was here.

Should you have any spare leftover election money, you might consider sending it to Jim Martin.

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