Monday, November 10, 2008

Allyson Schwartz Statement on Veterans Day

From the inbox:
U.S. Representative Allyson Schwartz released the following statement in recognition of Veterans Day, November 11, 2008. On Veterans Day, Schwartz will attend several commemorative ceremonies in Philadelphia.

“One of my earliest memories I have is of my father, who just returned from service in the Korean War, arriving at my elementary school to pick me up. I did not remember my father. His face was unfamiliar to me. My older brother had to tell me that it was alright, that this man here at school, was our father.

“I keep that memory with me when I think of the enormous sacrifices made every day by our veterans, soldiers, and military families. That memory is why I make the needs of veterans a central focus of my work in Congress. As a member of Congress, I believe it is my responsibility to honor the sacrifices of the men and women who have defended our country by ensuring that their voices are heard and that their needs are met. America’s veterans have provided invaluable services to our country and we have depended on them to defend our freedom, and protect our homeland.

“To the tens of thousands of my constituents in Philadelphia and Montgomery County that are veterans, I say thank you for your sacrifices and loyalty to America. You have my lasting appreciation and gratitude for your service on behalf of our country.”

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