Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ummm, Wrong House Maybe? Sen. McCain Writes to Jane

Oddly enough, very little political mail comes to the house. I thought there would be an uptick this year but no, or at least not yet. And we live on a street that isn't where you would think a residential street would be and it doesn't really go anywhere, so door to door contacts are even less frequent. Add in the fact that we don't watch much network tv, and it's no surprise that quite a bit of the political world passes us by. I read the Inquirer, the Wall Street Journal, the New Yorker (behind on this), a few other print publications, watch Washington Week in Review, and sometimes PCN, and read some blogs.

When something does come in the mail, especially if it is out of the ordinary, it's a real treat, or at least something to look over and study.

Take today. Mr. J and I got a nice letter from John McCain. Why is Sen. McCain writing to two registered Democrats? I don't know but they have our name listed the same way it is on the mailing label for Money Magazine so I suspect they bought a mailing list of presumed conservatives. Just goes to show that niche marketing is not failproof.

Here's how the letter starts:
We've reached a critical juncture in the campaign. The Obama Democrats and their leftwing, special interest allies have come together in a united front, combining their enormous fundraising arsenal. Meanwhile, the national Democrats led by Chairman Howard Dean are stepping up their cynical campaign of distortions and outright lies, and with the help of the cronies, like, are raising staggering amounts of money.

There are references to "we Republicans" and to me "as a most valued and trusted member of our Party." That's not quite right but I am kind of excited about the possibility of being a crony. Let's face it, I'm a little dull; my version of living dangerously is riding an escalator with untied shoelaces. The crony label might spice me up a bit.

McCain is asking for donations to the RNC not to his campaign directly. He says circumstances are "dire" and that the Democrats have a financial advantage at this point. If you are a valued and trusted member of the GOP and did not get this letter, you are now apprised of the situation.

And let's all remember that I am the crony of an enormous fundraising arsenal and thus fearsome.

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