As might be expected, I thought Sen. Obama did well in this debate, though they both seemed to avoid specifics.
Did Sen. McCain really say he knew how to get Osama Bin Laden? If so, why haven't we gotten him yet?
Did he really call Sen. Obama "that one"?
Tom Brokaw makes how much money a year? And he can't improvise when the candidates stand in front of his teleprompter?
Warren Buffet is one popular guy. I remember a few years ago when high flyers were pulling in a greater percentage than Mr. Buffet's investments and people wondered if he had lost his edge. Slow and steady wins the race yet again. And if an investment deal (or a mortgage) sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
McCain talks about changing not only the interest rate on mortgages but the principle too. How do you do that and who makes the decision? That sounds very tricky to me. Housing prices can fluctuate daily.
I'm really tired of watching candidates throw numbers at each other (you voted for standing on your head three times! But you were for the hokey pokey before you were against it!) like bored monkeys pitch poo across a zoo cage.
McCain just seemed to shuffle around a little. I understand his war injuries have left him with limited range of motion but as a visual it is not a comparative plus.
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