Thursday, October 23, 2008

KPOJ Podcast

Someone wrote and asked me if my appearance on Portland's KPOJ Thom Hartmann show. Honest, someone did. The podcast is available, at least for now. I am on the 10-22 show, the 7-8 segment, at about the :45 minute mark.


  1. You did a great job of running down the PA race. I'm not Patrick Murphy but it's always a pleasure to hear the "schoolmarm of the local blogosphere."

  2. Gort,

    Thanks! Note my radio appearance only ran once but yours is being rebroadcast all month! Congrats on the great you do covering the races in your area. Your blog is really impressive.

  3. Jane,

    Great job on the interview. I always enjoy reading your blog and it was nice to hear you!

    from: ex-blogger "next direction"

  4. ND,

    Hey!! It's great to hear from you! I hope all is well with you. Thanks for stopping by and listening to the podcast.
