Barack Obama was back in the region today, in Abington, Montgomery County. I dropped the kids off at school and zipped over. It was after 10 before I got in line; doors had opened at 9, and the event was scheduled to being at 11. There seemed little chance that I would get in. The event was in the Abington High School stadium. While waiting we could hear some other people were speaking but not who or what they were saying. A young man draped a white shirt with McCain written on it over the wall of the stadium. In the parking lot two young men waved McCain signs. A woman struck up a conversation and we passed the time talking about our families. As we got closer we could see someone taking bowls of food into the stadium. Initially I thought it was for the press but later decided it might have been lunch for Obama & Co. We were told to have all electronic devices out and turned on as we went through security. Sen. Bob Casey, Jr. and Gov. Ed Rendell gave some introductory remarks as we got closer to the stadium field, about 11:30 Just as Obama was coming out we were allowed onto the grass, standing room only. A few other middle-aged women came and went, joining our little group and then moving on, though one stayed. We occasionally caught a glimpse of Obama but mostly listened and chatted. After Obama finished speaking we all left together and paused by the rope line where all the buses were. An ambulance came by with lights flashing. A little later some people pushed a gurney out. It looked like someone was in it but it could have been equipment – hard to say. An officer told us Obama wouldn’t be leaving for another hour. My guess is that a fundraiser or informal confab of officials was taking place (maybe that’s where the food I saw earlier was headed).
Obama spoke well and had good points, but it isn’t quite as mesmerizing when you’ve stood in line quite a while and then had to stand while listening.
His remarks should be available here, on the Obama site, soon.
Your experience was exactly like mine. I wouldn't be suprised if I said hello to you in that huge line.
ReplyDeleteI did think it was funny when a fellow Obama supporter yelled to the young men waving the white McCain shirt "It looks like you're waving a white flag of surrender!"
I didn't think it was funny when I had to yell at an older man who was carrying a large picture of an aborted fetus. I had my three year old with me. I asked him to turn it around (it's a shame he didn't care about the nightmares my child might have after seeing that.) My son is still too young to understand the realities of abortion yet.
Apparently, Obama visited Keswick Avenue shortly after his speech. A fellow bus-stop-mom excitedly raved about shaking his hand in Penny's Flowers. Her assesment? "It's better than sex!"
I enjoyed the speech. It was very inspiring!
That's all I've got!
We must have been near each other -- I heard the "white flag" comment too; it was very witty. The anti-abortion people were out didn't have that sign when I was there.
ReplyDeleteThat's funny about your fellow bus stop mom, though maybe not a story she should share with the mister over dinner. ;)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!!
To be more accurate, the anti-abortion protester was on a corner when I was driving into the parking lot. I yelled at him from my van window.
ReplyDeleteI did see him again when I was getting into line. I just used my son's blanket to block his view.
I was pushing my son in a little car with an Obama bumper sticker on the back. Did you see us?
I enjoy your blogs! I'll be sure to check back :)
I didn't see the little car. There were several strollers but no little cars. You were probably ahead of me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words on the blog! Stop by any time!