Yesterday State Rep. Josh Shapiro and State Sen. Jake Corman discussed the presidential race on the PCN Call-In Show. It is now available online. These are rough notes and not intended as an exact transcription. As always, apologies in advance for any errors or misconceptions.
PCN Call-In: Presidential Race & PA
Rep. Josh Shapiro, PA House Deputy Speaker
Sen. Jake Corman, John McCain 2008, Central PA Campaign Chair
Host: Kat Prickett
H: How important is Pennsylvania in the presidential race?
JS: It is a key state and will be a close race.
JC: Very important. Republicans have not carried PA in some time. Energized by the selection of Sarah Palin.
H: What are the major issue?
JS: Economy. Recent poll said 51% said economy most important, Iraq second.
JC: Agree with importance of economy. But more important Washington DC is broken, nothing is getting done. Bipartisan effort, D in charge of Congress, R in White House. In PA Senate GOP disagrees with Governor but get work done. If you can’t get anything done in DC and work with other side then you can’t get anything done. McCain can reach across the aisle, had the courage to say we have to govern, say to his political base that he can’t be with them on some issues.
JS: One of the key reasons people have been attracted to Sen. Obama is that he brings the change needed. He has a history of working with both parties in Illinois, has not been in Washington for over 20 years. Can be a transformational leader.
JC: Agree, Sen. Obama has been a breath of fresh air, gives wonderful flowery speeches, gets me excited sometimes. McCain has voted against his own party at times. When has Obama done that?
JS: McCain did stand up on immigration and campaign finance but as a candidate has flipflopped. Obama has exhibited some real maverick qualities. When he came to dc attacked culture, went after lobbyists.
JC: Rank and file D’s would like that, where has he gone against D’s? McCain has done that.
JS: He won his primary because he changed his positions on Bush tax cuts and immigration. He certainly was a maverick senator but not as a candidate.
H: poll, Obama 48%, McCain 45%, undecided 5%. Contrasts with other poll. What is reason for difference.
JC: Sarah Palin. Putting her on the ticket energized the party, appeals to swing voters. She took on establishment and won. When GOP got into power we lost our way. She challenges that.
JS: What the numbers show is that it is a close race. It will remain close through election day. At the end of the day it will be decided on the economy. Obama wants to cut taxes on 95% of the people. If people are ready for a change they will vote for Obama.
H: What does Sen. Biden do for Obama?
JS: Scranton’s own. In NE Philly he excited the crowd, brings a lot of experience in foreign policy. Been in DC a long time but never a part of the culture.
JC: Biden part of status quo, DC outsider. McCain went for a change. Picking a vp is the first presidential decision. It is an indicator of where he is going to go. McCain shows he is serious about change.
JS: Glad you brought up judgment. Obama picked someone ready to step in and be president. McCain trying to assuage conservatives.
JC: She may be appealing to conservative but she is a real change agent. Excited base and centrists. She has cross appeal. Central theme of campaign, all issues are important, if you can’t make DC work you won’t be successful. McCain has a record of reaching across the aisle. Obama doesn’t have that record yet.
C: impending retirement of between 40 and 50 million Americans. Will be 62 soon and will retire. How will you build a viable economy with so many retirees? Santorum wanted to privatize social security – that would have been a disaster.
JS: Good points. Seniors and retirees. McCain wants to privatize social security. Obama wants to preserve it. His tax plan would also help seniors. On Wall Street, McCain boasted to WSJ back in April that he is not in favor of regulation. Now says need commission to study regulation. Obama would get Wall Street under control.
JC: If given a choice to invest his own social security his way or leave it as is, would want to invest. Reagan raised taxes on social security, unpopular. Fewer people working per retirees. McCain says lets keep all options on the table to solve problem. Like the energy issue, disgraceful that they haven’t drilled more and invested in alternative energy. Come to a compromise and make it happen. McCain will do that.
JS: McCain may bring perceived strength. Obama has a plan, even taken a page out of Reagan plan, tax social security on higher earners.
JC: Must be a bipartisan plan, must compromise, McCain has that experience and strength.
C: Disappointed in everyone on the panel. Both support REAL ID Act. Both neocons. Ron Paul only one standing up for the people.
JC: Caller is right that there is a lot of information out there and people should research issues.
C: Social security. In 1984 when social security was adjusted survivors lost some benefits, college benefits.
JC: I remember that change very well. Many of my friends who had lost parents left high school and enrolled in college to get those benefits. To keep the traditional model you have to reduce benefits and raise taxes. Could stop raiding it, which would be nice. McCain rails against this.
JS: Jake is right we need to have a much larger conversation. McCain continues to talk about privatizing social security. It was rejected but he keeps supporting it.
C: Believes in getting the most out of your money. Thinks if he had been able to invest his own retirement he would have a nice nest egg. His mom doesn’t have enough to live on.
JS: Not sure that is true, given behavior of markets. We need to give Americans comfort and confidence of social security. Perhaps it is not offering enough of a benefit. Investing that money in the stock market is not the answer.
JC: The state pension fund is invested in the stock market. Done well, perhaps not this past year. Better return than social security. I don’t know of any retirement fund that isn’t invested in the market. Over the long haul you are ahead of the game. Maybe we need a board to oversee investments like is done with state workers retirement.
H: Do either candidate have a plan for social security?
JS: Obama will ask those earning over $250K a year to pay more taxes for social security.
JC: Again, raising taxes, doesn’t solve structural problem. Short term fix.
JS: If you’re going to raise revenue and cut spending, where do you come up with extra revenue. Not relying on risky privatization.
JC: Raising taxes and cutting benefits. People are living longer, to increase benefits you have to increase revenue.
C: McCain has criticized Obama for saying he is going to cut taxes for 95% of people. McCain will veto all earmarks. But that won’t make up deficit. If he won’t raise taxes how will he cut benefits?
JC: McCain critical of Obama for cutting taxes for 95% is because 95% don’t pay taxes to the federal govt. Investment in our communities is important but earmark process is hidden, sticking earmarks into bills. You will have to grow the economy. Be efficient in spending and grow the economy. We did a lot of tax cuts in PA and have had a revenue increase. Grew the economy. Invest in small business, and infrastructure. Bring war in Iraq to a close. Efficiency is important but not the only way. Lower taxes and will raise revenue.
JS: Growing the economy requires a recipe for doing that and not continuing the same. McCain says economy strong on day when market dropped. Obama talks about green collar jobs. He’s come up with new economic plans for Americans struggling to pay energy bills. War in Iraq – Obama has a clear plan to get out troops out in 16 months. We need to do that and do it soon. Bush administration has come around and adopted this plan. McCain has not come up with a timeline.
JC: On Iraq, when McCain said be in Iraq 100 years he meant maintain bases as we do in Germany and Korea. The reasons Bush talking about timeline is because they got on McCain bandwagon with surge, to get Iraqi government to take over their own country. It was irresponsible to talk about a timeline months ago. Because we invested in surge the area is now stabilized. We can leave seeds of democracy. Terrorism and crime driven by poverty. If we can leave the seeds of democracy and then economy comes in, with money from oil wells. Look at central Asia and Eastern Europe. If that happens McCain will deserve a lot of credit for that.
JS: It is important to note, when Gen. Petraeus comes back and reports. A lot of what you are talking about isn’t happening. In 2002 Obama said going into Iraq was the wrong thing to do. Should focus like a laser beam on terrorism. We have a responsibility to finish the job we started in 2001 in Afghanistan.
C: If Obama and McCain are elected, could they turn economy around?
JS: Obama has said on the gas prices that he would put $1000 in every American’s pocket to deal with prices and invest in green jobs and alternative energy. Talking about making sure Wall Street looks after Main Street. McCain has said we don’t need that much regulation, even though we lost 500 points on the Dow. Obama has clear plans.
JC: McCain said fundamentals of economy strong, meaning he still believes in the American dream and American workers. Crisis we can solve. Need a leader who can compromise. Energy independence, solution so obvious, need everything. Biden has worked with McCain for years.
JS: Biden has said he loved working with Sen. McCain but candidate McCain has changed his positions.
C: Economy. Obama given an advance to write a book about a book about social culture, etc. He did not finish it but instead wrote a book on his life. When he went to Europe he used his campaign money. Taking money from other sources and using it to showboat. Obama has said he can reach across the aisle but couldn’t convince Pelosi to bring congress back to vote on drilling.
JS: If she found info on Wikipedia might want to find other sources of info. Both candidates use campaign funds to travel. Look at numbers of people who have registered to vote to be a part of the change Obama is talking about. When you can get Republicans and independents to change their registration it shows he can get everyone to work together. Obama’s plans on health care far superior. So many issues where Obama has been able to bring both sides together.
JC: Most of those changing must have done so to vote for Hillary Clinton since she won PA by such a margin. Look at close polls, not a big move for Obama in PA. McCain does have a history of brining people together.
C: For Corman, going back to social security. When you privatize social security, when most people can’t make ends meet, where will they get money to invest?
JC: Same place social security comes from, FICA tax, 12% combination of social security and medicare, goes into social security trust fund. You can continue to raise taxes, raise age of retirement. Doesn’t know of any other retirement plan that isn’t invested in the market. Social security fund being raided.
C: Social security, money going into general fund
JC: Ultimately any social security fix must be done in a bipartisan way, must compromise and that is as it should be. You need a president that can forge that compromise. McCain has better experience and background to do that.
JS: Caller has a good point in how much money we borrow from China to buy oil from Saudi Arabia. Another indicator of how the American economy is not sound or strong. We are borrowing too much money. Obama has a clear plan.
H: Where are hot spots in PA?
JS: Biden is in Del Co this evening. Southeast is a hot spot. Obama will probably win in Philly with a big margin. The Philly suburbs will be a clear battleground. Still registered in favor of GOP but voting Democratic. Obama’s plans gibe with plans of SE.
JC: Haven’t seen McCain or Palin’s schedules. Want to energize the T as D’s want to energize Philly, go for the base. Doing better in polling than is registered. Focus also on SouthWest
JS: Not conceding Southwest.
C: No child left behind. Funding for struggling schools just isn’t there.
JC: The amount spent during the Bush years is significantly more than what was spent before he got there. Let parents decide where money is spent. Have to have strong public schools but allow other options.
JS: Obama has brought a lot of other options to the table. NCLB is a good idea but not funded to the level needed.
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