Sunday, August 03, 2008

More Literary Weirdness

Three of my favorite things, which have conjoined only once before (see note below), did so this weekend. Yes, autobiography, politics, and Star Trek all touched noses. I've been reading My Incredibly Wonderful, Miserable Life: An Anti-Memoir by Adam Nimoy (son of Leonard, who play Mr. Spock). It focuses on his battle with marijuana and alcohol addiction. Instead of a traditional narrative he writes short essays that skip around in time. "Roll Over, Dead Senator (pp. 144-149) recounts his college internship with then Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill. For a short time he dated a young Georgian named Katherine who was interning for Sen. Lawton Chiles. In 2000 he saw her again. On tv, certifying the Florida votes for George Bush. Yep, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Will the weirdness ever stop?

(N.B. In his autobiography, To the Stars, George Takei, who played Lt. Sulu on Star Trek, discusses his involvement in politics, including his candidacy for Los Angeles city council in 1973.)


  1. Though I'm not a huge Star Trek fan, this book does sound good. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.
