Monday, July 07, 2008

Conference Call on McCain Ad

I was home waiting for the chimney guy today and so was able to sit in on a conference call set up by Obama for America. Here is the introductory email; note that Rep. Allyson Schwartz was one of the people on the call:

Today Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown and Pennsylvania Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz will hold a conference call to discuss the Republican National Committee’s false, negative ad campaign in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – the first large-scale negative advertising of the 2008 general election campaign.

The ad they are referring to is the subject of a blog post over at Pennsylvania Avenue, with the ad imbedded if you want to watch it.

Below are my rough notes from the conference call. As I was typing my cell phone was tucked awkwardly under my ear and heavyset men were bouncing on the roof overhead and throwing large slabs of masonry into the yard, which was distracting. This is by nomeans an attempt at transcription, just notes as people spoke. Apologies in advance for any errors or misconceptions.

Josh Earnest [sp?], moderator: RNC begun airing first national negative ads in campaign, in four states.

SB: Thank you for joining us. McCain already starting going negative in battleground states. He is criticizing Washington, who’ve not adopted any real kind of energy plan yet. He’s been in the Senate over 20 years but voted against measures time and again. Voted against biofuels, solar and wind power, never shown any kind of leadership in this issue. Voted for more tax cuts for oil industry. Obama working on real energy bill now to take subsidies away from oil industry and put it in renewable energy. McCain running for a 3rd Bush term on energy. Mimicing Bush/Cheney policies.

AS: Second much of what Sen. Brown said. Hear from constituents on problems caused by cost of energy. This kind of attack by McCain folks that he has the answer and has been there all along is very misguided. We’ve taken action, pending in Senate, McCain could be helpful right now, redirecting tax subsidies from oil to renewable fuels. He has been talking about offshore drilling which will not lower prices at all or in the near term. Sen. Obama has been talking about taking action on price gouging, end speculation in futures market, pending legislation on energy bill. Talking about a whole lot more jobs, green jobs, in this country. McCain ad incorrect and disingenuous. Pennsylvania will be dramatically affected if McCain gets his way.

JG: Michigan has most challenged economy in the nation. Green jobs are critical to us. Price of energy and creation of green jobs, relief for Americans in their pocketbook and jobs. Obama showing kind of leadership we need. Gas tax holiday would take away over 200 (million ? billion? ) in highway funding. Obama providing second stimulus package, tax record oil profits, provide tax cut for 90% of all workers. More meaningful for most Americans. Close loophole that allows Enron to engage in unregulated speculation. Obama wants to invest in new technology, such as batteries that can hold a charge, very important for Michigan and auto industry. Look at Obama and McCain websites and compare substance on energy issue. Obama’s plan will decrease dependence on foreign oil.

Q: how concerned about RNC financial advantage over DNC that allows them to air this ad? Measures to counteract?

JG: Obama has overwhelming grassroots support not rely on 3rd party attack ads to tear his opponent down.

Josh: confident we will have the resources we need. We have committed to having an office in all 50 states, currently running ads in 18 states.

Q: Wouldn’t McCain’s challenge to build a better battery be good for Michigan?

JG: That is a gimmick. Assumes that work is not already under way but research already going, just needs to go to scale so affordable. Don’t need a one time prize but an ongoing partnership.

SB: When you do it the John McCain way not a broader base to do research and synergize work. We see all kinds of advances in fuel cells and all across the board.

AS: We want to buy American and see our trucks and cars be more energy efficient. Raise fuel standards and provide incentives to our automobile industries and workers. People are looking for fuel efficient cars.

JG: The 300 M prize won’t get us over the hump. Need to invest in industry. Obama talking about updating the grid so you can take battery home and charge it there. Government has a role in infrastructure development.

Q: Former director of Michigan Dept of Env Quality proposed ban on drilling in Great Lakes be lifted. What do Ohio and PA think?

SB: Bad idea. Off shore drilling what happens has little impact on prices. We take the environmental risk in our great lakes but price break is shared internationally. Ultimately won’t solve energy problems.

AS: Second that. Erie would be very upset to see great lakes drilling. We do take potential environmental impact seriously. Misleading to say this will lower prices soon. Also says we don’t need to make investment in alternate fuels, which we do. If we don’t start making that investment today, which McCain has done nothing to support, we won’t have vehicles and appliances in the future. We need renewable and alternate sources of energy. If we postpone we will be in a worse place in 5 years.

Q: Anything in Obama’s plan that will help consumers in the short term. [second question about third party ads]

SB: You hold candidates responsible for political parties running attack ads. There won’t be 527 ads on Obama’s behalf. McCain’s only answer to short term price is gas tax hike., which will cost jobs, construction jobs in the summer to repair infrastructure. In the last 20 years if there has been a gas tax spike it has been because of a Katrina event, pipeline problem, or international event. Prices going up now without any of these.

AS: When Bush came into office gas price under $1.50 a gallon. Dealing with 8 years of inaction from two oilmen (Bush / Cheney). Need to make long term investment in alternative and renewable fuels. Need to take action on price gouging and price fixing. Reduce amount in reserve.

JG: stimulus checks

Josh: Obama ask donors to give to his campaign directly and not 527s.

Q: Industry not taking the lead. What are responsibilities of industry?

JG: In energy you need a partnership, requires a government investment in infrastructure. First products are not made to scale. Universities, gov’t and private sectors all have a role.

SB: Building on Oberlin campus fully powered by solar. Bought panels from Germany and Japan. They invested in industry. We don’t have tax policy to invest in industry.

AS; Research and development tax credits instrumental in other industries. Incentives for our best and brightest doing innovation and then scaling up. We hear this all the time from industries; they need that kind of tax credit and need to know it is long term, 5 or 10 years. Pennsylvania has had success with wind energy. We need to do this with a real long term view.

Q: Obama’s position on nuclear power?

Josh: Obama has said he wants to work to find a safe way to store nuclear waste. Once we can do that he would be supportive of expanding nuclear power.

SB: McCain thinks we shouldn’t subsidize solar and wind but put more money into nuclear. Look at the money our country has put into oil and nuclear; very little into solar and wind. Bad long term public policy.

JG: [didn’t catch]


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