Stuart Rothenberg's Political Report is out with new house race rankings. Here's how PA stacks up:
Pure Toss-Up
PA-10 Chris Carney (D)
Lean Democratic
PA-04 Jason Altmire (D)
Republican Favored
PA-03 Phil English (R)
PA-06 Jim Gerlack (R)
PA-18 Tim Murphy (R)
Democrat Favored
PA-08 Patrick Murphy (D)
PA-11 Paul Kanjorski (D)
The house seats not listed are considered to be safe for the incumbent.
In Monday's blog entry Rothenberg has a nice write-up of Kathy Dahlkemper, Democratic challenger in the 3rd congressional district, currently represented by Phil English.
Ha, wonder why the Carney race is listed as toss up? Hack seems to have fractured his support in the Republican party, and the Rs are already lining up for Carney!