Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gov Rendell on PCN Call-In Show

Last Thursday Gov. Ed Rendell appeared on the PCN Call-In Show. He took questions live from the station's Pittsburgh bureau.

Q questions are from host Kat Prickett. C questions are from callers.

As always, these are rough notes and I apologize in advance for any errors or misconceptions. The governor was, as usual, very well informed and had a number of facts and statistics in his answers. I just simply can't type that fast. In a few places you will see question marks; the governor mentioned a statistic and I caught the first part of the number but not the last.

Host Kat Prickett

Q: Where are we in the budget process?

ER: I laid out my priorities on Feb 8, but we have been having meetings, had one with leaders on June ? (early June). Started with work groups. By and large been positive. Think the attitude is people care very much about certain things. Understanding we need to get this done.

Q: possibility of state furloughs?

ER: If it happens at all it will happen after July 1. Should not be concentrating on this but on getting the budget done. We are the only big state with a surplus, about a $300 Million dollar surplus, most have deficits. We’ve managed our money well in PA over the last 5 years. According to labor standards act cannot pay state workers if no budget. Dwight Evans may have found a way to solve this whole problem, borrowing money from rainy day fund. That may solve the problem. Its time for us to get this done. We’ve just got to make some decisions.

Q: most important issues in budget

ER: Education. The results our early childhood program are showing . We have 10th best education program in county. We rank first in early childhood (?). 6 year phase in, historical level of funding based on real formula. Second priority is energy initiative that lets us get away from dependence on foreign fuel. Incentives for energy businesses to open here. Incentivize citizens. Energy rate caps come off. Economic stimulus plan. Recession upon us. Investments in our infrastructure.

C: Thank ER for taking on issue of PA funds public education. No one wants to own a home with high taxes and bad schools.

ER: I’ve told the general assembly that’s my number one priority. 350+ of our 500 schools districts are not spending enough money per student. Get enough phased in over the next 6 years to provide great education. Under Gov Shapp education spending was 50%, when I can in was 30?%, now 38%. In Upper Darby the millage is incredible. The state’s share has to go up. State funding would go to 40?%. When gaming money comes in will get property tax relief.

C: About 60 people were in your offices to discuss why we are 46th state for delivering special education. Would like to meet with you. Group called Alfie, Alliance for Inclusion Education.

ER: Happy to met with you. Biggest problem with special ed is with fed govt. Promised to pay 48% of cost but never have. Both Sen. Clinton and Obama have promised to increase funding.

C: Act 44.

ER: We can’t wait until change in administration; we have to know about polling of I-80 soon. If you read the Surface Transportation Report in Congress. If you read the dissent by Sec. Peters, it says it is the state’s responsibility, toll roads previously untolled. Sec. Peters also likes public / private partnerships. Given that it would be hard for them to turn it down.

Q: Where do we stand for bid on turnpike

ER: bid is over. Albertis, a Spanish company with projects around the world. Currently manage Orlando airport. Paired with Citigroup. Legislature would have to approve bid.

Q: movement in near future?

ER: No, with other issues, this will probably be put over until Sept.

C: What can we do about outrageous rate hikes in health insurance?

ER: What you are facing is what employees and employers all over are facing. There’s a bill that has passed the house and is now in the senate. Health insurance has to spend 85% of income has to be spent on health care, not advertising, etc. Can’t do demographic rating. Gives insurance commissioner right to set rates as they do for auto insurance. Stops any insurance company from denying reasonable coverage to anyone who is sick. We’ve created a system where everyone wants to insure the healthy 27 year old male and no one wants the insure the sick. Pass the Health Insurance Reform Package.

Q: What are different pieces of legislation on health insurance.

ER: Supports bill that passed the house. Paid for by increasing cigarette tax and starts taxing smokeless tobacco and cigars.

C: Senate Bill 509, House Bill 2002. Amends public school act of 1949 to train school employees in diabetic care and treatment.

ER: I do support the bills but would have to look at financial implications. Tries to avoid unfunded mandates.

C: 70 years old. Filled out form for economic stimulus rebate. Told not eligible.

ER: Leave number and I will look into this.

C: COLA for retired state employees.

ER: Retired state employees deserve some increase in their pension. Problem is in 2000 Gov. Ridge and legislature gave increase in pension to workers and legislators but not retirees. We do need increases especially to older retires. Action in 2000 cost so much that we can’t afford increase. In 2013 a big increase is coming unless flattening out bump. I have put money in but still a looming problem. Our pension fund simply can’t afford an increase. Looking to see if it can be done for oldest retirees.

C: Alternative fuels. Has 2 flex fuel vehicles but can’t buy ethanol in our area.

ER: Good question. Penn Security Fuels Initiative would require 1 billion gallons sold to be something other than petroleum (?). Problem is getting distribution up and running. Caller has E-85 flex car, can take 85% ethanol. Most pumps have 10% ethanol now. Incentivizing more E-85 pumps. Sunoco is vendor on Turnpike. Must make sure biodiesel available. Leading nation in number of gallons of biodiesel produced. Penn Security Fuels Initiative has passed house, currently in senate.

Q: gas prices going up

ER: Can’t do much in PA except up tempo our efforts to get alternative fuels at the pump. Philly gas a little cheaper because it includes more ethanol that in rest of state. Best thing we can do is be smarter. Get air pressure checked. Make sure it is at the right amount. Get oil filter checked. Slow down on the highway. Doing those three things will save you more than if we roll back gas tax.

C: retired state law enforcement officer. Opposed to more gun control, more emphasis on laws that are there.

ER: Assaults by firearms on police officers increased 85% statewide. Police chiefs across the state in favor of more gun control. Agree that more law enforcement is needed. When mayor partnered with NRA to work to send those caught with a gun if had a previous felony went to federal court not state. Sent 700 or 800 worst cases a year went to federal court. Nothing wrong with a law that says you can only buy one handgun a month. Why does anyone need more than12 handguns a year? Stops straw purchaser.

Q: How would that affect gun collectors

ER: Registered gun collectors are exempt.

C: green program?

ER: One of the advantages of doing alternative energy and green buildings is that it creates jobs. PA exports many jobs to buy and produce petroleum. Penn Security Fuels Initiative would implement training programs and create job opportunities. Want to really take off by 2010, 2011, 2012

C: gaming bill lets casinos operate with no regulation. Two bills, SB 423 and HB (???) requires casinos to send monthly statements

ER: First I’ve heard of it. Will look at bills, sound fair and reasonable.

C: Health care bill passed by the house. Has pre-existing condition. Can’t get insurance.

ER: Package of insurance reform bills, would make it illegal to deny coverage at a reasonable rate to someone with a pre-existing condition.

Q: How many currently uninsured?

ER: 120,000 children, hopefully reduced by CHIP program. 700,000 adults.

C: import / export of fuel? Can go through Canada waters now due to global warming?

ER: federal government and oil distribution companies aware of it. Sad opportunity.

C: thanks for smoke free legislation. Willing to advocate for Allegheny Co to implement more stringent regulations

ER: On record as supporting anyone to have stronger bill. Decent chance. Would sign it and work for it. Have been told that state bill almost modeled on Philadelphia plan which was considered pretty strong.

Q: what does smoking ban do?

ER: can’t smoke in public places unless exception carved out. Can smoke on casino floors, private places, [lists others] . Signing bill tomorrow, enacted 90 days after that, to allow businesses to gear up.

C: disabled woman veteran, under employed, now in debt. Worried about gas drillers, exempt from clean air and water acts.

ER: Leave name and number, someone will contact you. Not sure they are exempt from those rules.

C: run for senate in 2010?

ER: No, made a pledge to serve out term. Also could never run against Arlen Specter, gave me my first job, attended my wedding.

Q: throw whole support behind Obama?

ER: If you supported Hillary Clinton not only did so because admired her as a person but also because of her stand on the issues, the only way to see those issues addressed is to support Obama.

Q: be Obama’s vp?

ER: No, I couldn’t be a worse choice. Not a good #2 person, won’t stay on message, tell the truth, don’t spin well. If after leave office in 2011 some opportunity comes up then maybe look at that. Would suggest Joe Biden.

C: programs for young aspiring entrepreneurs?

ER: Suggest you call deputy secretary of dept of general services, helps minority business people.

Q: What would you like to say to people?

ER: Tell legislators we need to keep growing.

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