Monday, May 26, 2008

PA in the WSJ

This is a list of articles regarding Pennsylvania in this week's Wall Street Journal. Chances are I missed something, but these are the articles that caught my eye.

It should be noted that I routinely do not read the editorials in the WSJ. So any discussions of the state, its elected officials, businesses, or citizens, in editorials will not be mentioned here.

PA Politicians

Rep. John Peterson is mentioned in “Oil industry, lawmakers aim to lift bans on drilling,” by Russell Gold, Ben Casselman, and Stephen Power (5/23)

In “Coal country lacks consensus on a nominee,” by Christopher Cooper (5/19) states:
Miner support also gave Mr. Bush 22 o f28 coal counties in Pennsylvania. (Mr. Dole carried only one of them). Pennsylvania may prove crucial to victory this fall.

PA Businesses

From “Big winner from carbon curbs: nuclear,” by Rebecca Smith:
Exelon favors an approach under which government officials would sell or allocate a greater portion of emissions permits to utilities with retail customers, rather than to power generators that sell wholesale power to utilities. That would help customers of Exelon’s two retail utilities, Commonwealth Edition in Chicago and PECO in Philadelphia, since the utility could sell the allowances to generators and use the proceeds to offset a higher energy costs for their customers.

“Charming swings to loss amid slumping sales,” a brief note on 5/22 on Charming Shoppes

Other PA

Kevin Ferris who pens a column for the Inquirer has a column, “Protesting the antiwar protestors,” about a group in West Chester that protests in support of the war (5/24)

Philadelphia gets a mention in “Cities start own efforts to speed up broadband,” by Christopher Rhoads (5/19)

A mention of the Iron Pigs stadium in Allentown is in “Plan to build pricey new stadium divides Omaha,” by Matthew Futterman (5/19)

A. J. Devanesan, of Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Ltd., interviewed in “Growing a tree-friendly paper business,” by To Ching Li, is a graduate of Penn’s Wharton School, and quotes one of his professors in the interview. (5/19)

“Boeing employee charged with vandalizing helicopter,” a brief note from 5/21

Penn is one of the schools plumbing its wait list in “Elite colleges reach deeper into wait lists,” by Anjali Athavaley (5/21)

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices of Horsham is a focus of “Report links Pfizer drug, to accidents, heart trouble,” by Avery Johnson and Alicia Munday (5/22)

The Pennsylvania Turnpike is the focus of “Abertis, Citi win turnpike lease,” by Santiage Perez (5/20)

The Pittsburgh Penguins are mentioned in “Goal: to make fans love hockey,” by Matthew Futterman (5/23)

Linda Wood, a Pittsburgh accountant, is mentioned in “Losing a mint: curb on coin sales angers collectors,” by Ianthe Jeanne Dugan (5/23)

Other Interesting Tidbits

“U.S. military launches alternate-fuel push,” by Yochi J. Dreazen (5/21) highlights the use of synthetic jet fuel.

“House votes tax breaks for alternative energy,” by Martin Vaughan (5/22)

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