Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Allyson Schwartz on PCN Call-In Show

Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz of the 13th congressional district, was the guest this past Monday on PCN’s Call-In Show.

These are my rough notes from the station’s online archives. As always apologies in advance for any errors or misconceptions. The show will be available on pcn’s website for a few more days (and after that a tape is available for a fee) so you should review the broadcast for yourself if it is of interest.

Q indicates questions from host Theresa Elliott, C is a caller, AS is Rep. Schwartz.

Q: Thoughts on candidates?

AS: I am a strong Clinton supporter. We feel so excited about the degree to which we engaged the voters. Saw several counties go from a Republican majority to a Democratic majority. A lot of people angry about where Bush administration has led us and really want to see a change. This is happening all across the country. Voters want to be heard. The Democrats will make a decision and join together. The real fight is in November. [a lot more about Clinton that I didn’t catch.]

Q: My name is Theresa Elliott. Rep. Schwartz thank you so much for joining us.

A: Thank you so much for televising the state senate where I served for several years.

Q: The Democratic primary. Pundits are speculating that the sooner the primary wrapped up the better. Do you agree?

AS: The pundits do a lot of talking. It is important for us to see it through the rest of the primary. Then once the primaries are counted and the delegates counted. I suspect we’ll know in June and not go all the way to the convention.

Q: Delegates vote on basis of state or caucus other think they should vote on their own opinion?

AS: Some Obama delegates represent areas where Clinton won. There are some people said we ought to vote our districts. There are also people looking at who they think would be the best president.

C: Thank you for taking my call. My concern is the economy. Really want both Democratic candidates to address trade imbalance with China. Bad for labor and bad for America in general. Wants nominee to look at these trade agreements.

AS: Thank you, a constituent, for calling. Certainly the issue of trade and fair trade agreements is incredibly important. The labor movement has been very involved in making sure our trade agreements are fair for workers, labor standards which levels playing field for our workers as well, environmental standards and [did not catch]. We’ve got to get these trade agreements written in a way that is good for America and workers. The agreement with Peru is a new kind of agreement that creates opportunity for our businesses, like Mack Truck. You did mention the issue of China. We don’t have a trade agreement with China. The Bush administration has been at great fault for not using the World Trade Organization to go after some of the dumping that China has done. One example is toys made in China and sent here. Hard to compete with labor costs and trade with China fairly, government subsidizes businesses, hard to differentiate between public and private sector. First priority has to be jobs in America. Looking forward to a Democratic majority in Congress and a Democratic president.

C: Thank you for taking my call. I’m a taxi driver in Philadelphia. Over the last year 3 taximen killed and more than 100 robbed. What can you do to help us? We’ve been to Harrisburg and city government and PPA.

AS: Would like to have a further discussion to find out what could be done, what are your recommendations? I am concerned about violence in any of our communities. Our new mayor is very concerned about violence, especially gun violence and working with state legislature in Harrisburg. He’s also been interested in having a dialogue at the federal level. I’m very supportive of COPS bill, federal money to hire more policemen. Government and private sector need to work together and private citizens need to get involved as well. Make sure people can get good jobs that pay well. Terrible tragedy last week with a police officer shot. A criminal having access to an assault weapon. Meant as a military assault weapon to kill people. Those weapons should not be available in our community. Need to make sure we have the right tools for law enforcement.

Q: in reference to Philadelphia police officer slain, both the governor and mayor calling for a new ban on assault weapon.

AS: I do support it and have signed on to legislation. No problem with hunting for sport and recreation. There is a big difference between weapons used for sport and recreation and weapons designed to kills people. We did take action in Congress after the shooting at Virginia Tech to tighten the rules for not selling guns to the mentally ill. Encourage everyone to be in touch with their state legislators and governor and congressional representatives to talk about difference in weapons.

C: I was member of the group Parent project for Muscular Dystrophy, wanted you to sign on to HR 5265.

AS: Apologize for you not getting an answer and you should have. I will certainly look at that legislation. I have been keenly supportive of dollars for medical research to find cures and better treatments. Thank you for drawing my attention to it. You should know Pres. Bush in his budget called for no increase in NIH funding for 7th year in a row. We know there are scientists who want to work on this. Some of my family has been to NIH to do research.

Q: Health care. How does the US health care system relate to other countries?

AS: The US is the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee health care to all its citizens. First must set that as a goal. There are different ways of doing that. Access to health care that is meaningful. Not sure we are spending dollars in most effective way to get the most effective care. Use technology to reduce errors, improve quality. Want to use electronic prescriptions. There are 1.5 million errors just in writing prescriptions. Could save lives and dollars. Looking to get that done under medicare legislation later this year. Integrated health care system, reduce unnecessary tests, reduce diabetes and heart disease. Make sure people can afford health insurance. I was one of the architects of CHIP in the state senate. I’ve had families come up to me and say that during difficult times they were able to buy health insurance for their kids. In Congress I worked very hard to extend CHIP to the children in the US that are eligible but can’t get in because of costs. Bush vetoed it. Priority for next president. It’s what we should do in this country to meet obligations to seniors and children, access to meaningful affordable health care.

C: Frequency of meeting with constituents. Would like more meetings with short questions and short responses. We can hear about your actions by reading the paper but I think you need to hear what’s being said by the people in your district.

AS: To my constituents I would say I’m in Washington a lot, in June and July Congress will meet 5 days a week. I do try to have townhall meetings and teletownhall meetings. We’ve done many of those. You can always email me or call my office. It is difficult for me to be everywhere I might want to be. Please sign up for my email list. I wish I could rely on the media to tell you what I’m up to.

C: Thank you for taking my call and your program. Sorry for family of fallen officer and for cab driver. My family is affected by the going to and fro for medical treatment by gas prices. Is there anything you can tell us that is more positive than what we hear on the news? Is it possible to use vitamins or hypnotherapy and have it covered by insurance.

AS: All of us shocked by cost of gas. When Bush took office gas was $1.46 / gallon. In the short term, Democrats in Congress are looking at temporarily suspending buying oil for strategic petroleum reserve to help reduce prices, reserve is about 97% filled so can safely temporarily suspend. Consumers can keep tires full of air, don’t carry heavy loads, use public transit, run errands efficiently, reduce consumer demand. Long term what we have to do is take some of the tax subsidies from oil companies to energy alternatives, biofuels, solar, wind, energy efficient homes and appliances. We have passed legislation pushing that, not gotten through the senate yet. President not happy taking subsidies away from oil industries. We could be smarter, create green jobs. We did pass new fuel efficiency standards to make cars more efficient.

C: Fox News and others have been painting PA similar to West VA as similar in racial voting. Will Pennsylvanians be up for electing a black president? Do you put a lot of faith in our news people in how they characterize people?

AS: I don’t always agree with what the media says. Pundits proven wrong a number of times. Voters defied what pundits said would happen. We all listen but we want to make our own opinions. They are trying to do the best they can. Primary season was great because usually we don’t get to see the candidates up close and in person. I appreciate all the coverage by the media. Right now we don’t have a nominee but that will happen over the next few weeks. I represent a part of the state that has a willingness to really look across race lines and this is true of very many voters. Look at candidates, who they are how they live their lives. I think that voters will look at John McCain and whoever the Democratic candidate is.

C: Thanks to PCN for this opportunity. You joined all the PA representatives and voted in favor of a resolution recognizing Ramadan but did not vote for resolution recognizing Christmas.

AS: Acknowledging the holiday but difference of religious and religious observance. We as a government do not endorse or acknowledge one over another.

Q: Recently IRS began issuing stimulus rebates.

AS: Constituents pleased to see some of their tax dollars return to their pockets. More health care costs passed along to them, economic downturn has been a squeeze on people, pay down debt or meet difficulties like mortgage crisis or get ahead or do something they and their families have been hoping to do, buy an appliance (Hopefully energy efficient one). Most often I hear they are using it to purchase something they had been putting off buying. Make sure businesses don’t stop producing products and lay off workers. Worked hard to include seniors in this stimulus. Stem the tide to turn back deepening recession. Vote in House last week to reduce the foreclosure rate so we don’t see people losing their homes. We also want to encourage green jobs, renewable sources of energy. Also looking at serious investment in infrastructure, good paying jobs, need in Pennsylvania. And long term we have to make sure we are investing in a work force, grow American economy in global and very competitive marketplace.

C: Serve on board of directors of Philadelphia program for veterans that has been around for 20 years served over 5000 homeless veterans. Similar group in Pittsburgh receives over $100K earmark from Murtha. How can we get that kind of support?

AS: Certainly I’ve tried to reach out to groups in the community, office has done workshops for nonprofits to find out about grants and other programs. We look out for worthy initiatives and have been very proud to have worked with groups, including Collegiate Consortium, part of Veterans leadership Council. Lets veterans go back to community or other colleges to get additional training, get civilian job get feet on the ground. Very first piece of legislation introduced and passed out of Ways and Means Committee is credit for small businesses that hire vets from Afghanistan and Iraq. Veterans should get health care they deserve and should expect. We are aware that some veterans are homeless and should help them get back on their feet.

C: What do you think of Bob Casey for VP and will you make another run for Senate

AS: VP up to presidential nominee. Thank you for remembering I did have a run for the Senate. I am so honored to represent my constituents in Congress and get on the great committees I and on and do good work. What’s next for me is I hope reelection to congress.

Q: make up of 13th

AS: NE philly and eastern montco, Delaware River out to Schwenksville. SEPA has very strong communities. Strong health care and biotech pharmaceuticals in my district.

C: Thank you for some help with medicare. On social security disability, can’t afford any kind of health insurance.

AS: You raise a very very important question. Pre-existing conditions difficult and expensive to get health insurance. We need to make sure health insurance available for people with health conditions. Have a bill that would prohibit insurance companies from excluding children with pre-existing conditions. Please call my office.

C: long statement on mental health and a personal situation with health care.

AS: Many veterans coming back have a need for counseling and support. Often mental illness still has a stigma. For veterans who can go to the VA there is a great clinic in Horsham. Our veterans have come back with real issues and should be able to reach out and receive help.

C: People with disabilities, mental health issues, amendment [did not catch number]

AS: That might be state legislation not federal. PA has a broad spectrum of services.

Q: What are some of your priorities?

AS: respond to economic downturn, housing issues, medicare access to physicians, issues of energy, serious challenges with some very good answers, hasn’t been easy, but we are working to do just that.

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