Friday, April 18, 2008

Patrick Murphy on the Colbert Report

Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-08) was all smiles on the Colbert Report last night. Video available on the Comedy Central website. Murphy discussed his support for Sen. Obama, as well as his regard for Sen. Clinton. Other topics included his military service in Iraq.


  1. Obama & ("Middle-Finger-Gate") .... & WHY the MEDIA isn't covering it:

    Originally posted on: The Swamp website:

    Just watch the videos. He did it twice, in the same day, at two separate events. He made the gesture at the same point in his speeches - the crowd understood what he meant. Actions speak louder than words. This man is not fit to be a US Senator.

    First speech:

    Second speech:
    Posted by: james | April 18, 2008 3:47 PM

    If Obama gets the nod it will be due solely to Black hypocrisy and White guilt. Great way to get a president! You think the last 8 years were a mess...just wait!
    Posted by: Sandee Enriquez | April 18, 2008 5:30 PM

    I add this comment: Obama's "swooning" press coverage is due to the fact that GE owns MSNBC & NBC; Westinghouse owns CBS; & they've got LOTs of ADvertising $$$ to spread around to every form of media.

    Obama voted FOR the Cheney Energy Bill ... 29 more Nuclear power plants ... GE & Westinghouse are planning to reap $BILLIONS in profits from building those nukes.

    Hillary voted AGAINSt the Cheney Energy Bill and says her Energy Plan does not include nuclear - unless & until they can make it CHEAPER AND find a way to store the nuke waste SAFELY: Thats why the MEDIA is engaged in Pro-Obama PROPAGANDA - Anti-Hillary Slime & Smear .... .... all day everyday.

    It's about MONEY & Corporate Control of the MEDIA/ "news".

  2. Do Pennsylvania voters know that
    Reps. Patrick Murphy took a $18,826.00 "donation" from Barack Obama prior to endorsing him?
    I think that taints his endorsement more than alittle bit and sells out the voters of Pennsyvania that havent even been able to vote yet.

    Do Pennsylvania voters know that Barack Obama has "donated" huge sums to Pennsylvania's Super Delegates? Talk about back room politics. Is he trying to buy votes from Super Delegates and take votes away from Pennsyvania voters?

    Why are some Pennsylvania Super Delegates taking huge sums of money from someone they have to cast a vote on? Is that like paying the judge before the verdict? Pennsylvania Rep. Patrick Murphy took $18,826.00 from Barack Obama before he endoresed Barack Obama, kinda puts his endorsement in question. There are more Pennsylvania politicians taking BIG MONEY from Barack Obama for their Super Delegate votes and Pennsylvania voters have not even been able to vote yet.

  3. It should be noted that the first comment left on this post originated in Arizona, as have many of the spammed comments left on this blog recently.

    As for the second comment, if you have evidence that Obama donated over $18,000 to Murphy's or anyone else's campaign you should report it to the FEC as it is illegal for an individual to donate over $4600.

  4. My grandfather started the steel unions.

    He believed in certain things. One was a fair days wage for afairs day work. He also believed in one man one vote.

    What he did not believe was NAFTA! His dreams were destroyed along with his sons and daughter dreams by NAFTA.

    Truth is every corner of Pennsylvania has closed mills from steel to construction.

    Whether you believe it or not, after 20 yrs of NAFTA you can not deny those empty mills and more importantly the dreams destroyed by Clinton. Union Now. Vote for Obama.

    My question to you- Why do you think the grandchildren of union organizers whether agriculture or steel support OBAMA?

    It's simple we understand the true plans of Clinton to expand NAFTA!

    Mike Martino
    Grandson of John B Martino
    Pennsylvania 1st Steel Organizer
