This is a list of bills that passed the Pennsylvania House or Senate this week, and mention of any noteworthy resolutions. Standard caveats apply (resolutions not generally included, list of sponsors deleted if it was too long - three lines in the originally formatting).
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Other updates this week:
PA GOP Senate
PA Democratic Senate PA GOP House PA Democratic House
SR 252 A Resolution urging the citizens of this Commonwealth to participate in the In Case of Emergency campaign by entering information, under the acronym of ICE, into the memory of their cellular phones in order to assist medical and other emergency personnel in contacting designated persons in the case of an emergency.
HB 1845 Prior Printer's No. 2516.Printer's No. 3514. An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for false reports to law enforcement authorities; in firearms, further providing for ineligibility for possession or dealing, for required licensure, for emergency prohibitions, for licenses, for possession with altered manufacturer's number, for sale or transfer, for the Pennsylvania State Police and for registration; further providing for limitation of actions; and abrogating a regulation.
HB 1761 By Representatives BELFANTI, CASORIO, M. O'BRIEN, PASHINSKI, KOTIK, COHEN, KORTZ, MAHONEY, PALLONE, PETRONE, JAMES, BRENNAN, SHIMKUS, McGEEHAN, CALTAGIRONE and DONATUCCI. Prior Printer's No. 2365.Printer's No. 2722. An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for law enforcement officers of limited jurisdiction.
HB 4 Prior Printer's No. 2394.Printer's No. 3537. An Act amending Titles 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 44 (Law and Justice) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for definitions of "board" and "department"; further providing for composition of the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing, for powers and duties and for adoption of guidelines for sentencing; providing for adoption of guidelines for resentencing, adoption of guidelines for parole and adoption of recommitment ranges following revocation of parole by the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole; further providing for publication of guidelines, for sentencing generally, for sentence of total confinement, for sentencing proceeding and place of confinement, for information required upon commitment and subsequent disposition and for referral to State intermediate punishment program; providing for work release or other court order and for recidivism risk reduction incentive; and making a related repeal.
HB 5 Printer's No. 2241. An Act amending the act of July 11, 1923 (P.L.1044, No.425), referred to as the Prisoner Transfer Law, further providing for transfer of inmates.
HB 6 Prior Printer's Nos. 2395, 2931.Printer's No. 3538. An Act amending the act of August 6, 1941 (P.L.861, No.323), referred to as the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole Law, further providing for intent, for business of the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, for powers and duties of the board, for duties of the chairman of the board, for supervision of parole and probation, for power to parole, for commission of crime during parole and for victim of the offense.
Prior Printer's No. 2906.Printer's No. 3539. An Act amending the act of May 31, 1919 (P.L.356, No.170), entitled, as amended, "An act authorizing courts of record to remove convicts and persons confined in jails, workhouses, reformatories, reform or industrial schools, penitentiaries, prisons, houses of correction or any other penal institutions, who are seriously ill, to other institutions; and providing penalties for breach of prison," further providing for removal of certain convicts who are seriously ill.
HB 1081 By Representatives LONGIETTI, DALEY, SIPTROTH, BRENNAN, SCAVELLO, McGEEHAN, CALTAGIRONE, KULA, KOTIK, JAMES, GIBBONS, DeLUCA, YOUNGBLOOD, HARKINS, HENNESSEY, KORTZ, D. EVANS and GEORGE. Prior Printer's No. 1316.Printer's No. 3234. An Act amending the act of July 10, 1990 (P.L.404, No.98), known as the Real Estate Appraisers Certification Act, further providing for State Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers, for disciplinary and corrective measures and for penalties.
HB 1082 Prior Printer's Nos. 1317, 3235.Printer's No. 3579. An Act amending the act of May 15, 1933 (P.L.565, No.111), known as the Department of Banking Code, permitting national electronic licensing; further prohibiting disclosure of certain information; further providing for criminal history; and providing for conduct of administrative proceedings relating to institutions and credit unions.
HB 1083 Prior Printer's No. 1318.Printer's No. 3236. An Act amending the act of December 3, 1959 (P.L.1688, No.621), known as the Housing Finance Agency Law, further providing for general authority, for notice and institution of foreclosure proceedings, for notice requirements, for assistance payments and for repayment; and providing for an ongoing foreclosure study.
HB 1084 By Representatives M. SMITH, DALEY, BRENNAN, CONKLIN, FABRIZIO, GEORGE, KORTZ, KULA, MAHONEY, MANN, McCALL, McGEEHAN, SIPTROTH, THOMAS, WALKO, D. EVANS, JOSEPHS, PARKER, SWANGER and CALTAGIRONE. Printer's No. 1319. An Act amending the act of January 30, 1974 (P.L.13, No.6), referred to as the Loan Interest and Protection Law, defining "department"; and further providing for the definition of "residential mortgage" and for the duties of the Department of Banking.
HB 1152 By Representatives GIBBONS, BAKER, DENLINGER, DePASQUALE, HALUSKA, HENNESSEY, JOSEPHS, KORTZ, McILHATTAN, PETRARCA, RUBLEY, SOLOBAY, J. WHITE, YOUNGBLOOD, LONGIETTI, MARSHALL, HORNAMAN, MAHONEY, WANSACZ, CALTAGIRONE and SIPTROTH. Printer's No. 1400. An Act amending Title 13 (Commercial Code) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, extensively revising preliminary provisions and provisions relating to warehouse receipts, bills of lading and documents of title; further providing, in secured transactions, for definitions, for perfection and priority in deposit accounts and for perfection upon attachment; and making editorial changes.
HB 2179 By Representatives DALEY, HESS, THOMAS, SIPTROTH, SCAVELLO, McGEEHAN, GEORGE, BELFANTI, BRENNAN, CARROLL, JAMES, JOSEPHS, MAHONEY, MYERS, SANTONI, WALKO, BENNINGTON, HARHAI, KOTIK, WAGNER, J. WHITE, YEWCIC and CALTAGIRONE. Prior Printer's Nos. 3197, 3237.Printer's No. 3578. An Act amending Titles 7 (Banks and Banking) and 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, regulating the mortgage loan industry in terms of practice, licensure and penalties; providing for unlicensed mortgage loan activity; and making related repeals.
SB9 Prior Printer's Nos. 763, 1771, 1870, 1915.Printer's No. 1924. An Act requiring identification of lawful presence in the United States as a prerequisite to the receipt of public benefits.
SB 1332 By Senators REGOLA, PILEGGI, ROBBINS, WOZNIAK, FOLMER, GORDNER, PUNT and WASHINGTON. Printer's No. 1866. An Act amending Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions, providing for form of oaths of office.
SB 1344 By Senator ARMSTRONG. Printer's No. 1900. An Act making an appropriation from the State Employees' Retirement Fund to provide for expenses of the State Employees' Retirement Board for the fiscal year July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008.
SB 1345 By Senator ARMSTRONG. Printer's No. 1901. An Act making an appropriation from the Public School Employees' Retirement Fund to provide for expenses of the Public School Employees' Retirement Board for the fiscal year July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008.
SB 1346 By Senator ARMSTRONG. Printer's No. 1902. An Act making appropriations from the Professional Licensure Augmentation Account and from restricted revenue accounts within the General Fund to the Department of State for use by the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs in support of the professional licensure boards assigned thereto.
SB 1347 By Senator ARMSTRONG. Printer's No. 1903. An Act making appropriations from the Workmen's Compensation Administration Fund to the Department of Labor and Industry and the Department of Community and Economic Development to provide for the expenses of administering the Workers' Compensation Act, The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act and the Office of Small Business Advocate for the fiscal year July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008.
SB 1348 By Senator ARMSTRONG. Printer's No. 1904. An Act making an appropriation from a restricted revenue account within the General Fund and from Federal augmentation funds to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
SB 1349 By Senator ARMSTRONG. Printer's No. 1905. An Act making an appropriation from a restricted revenue account within the General Fund to the Office of Consumer Advocate in the Office of Attorney General.
SB 1351 By Senator ARMSTRONG. Printer's No. 1906. An Act making an appropriation from a restricted revenue account within the General Fund to the Office of Small Business Advocate in the Department of Community and Economic Development.
SB 1254 By Senators D. WHITE, REGOLA, WAUGH, CORMAN, C. WILLIAMS, WOZNIAK, TOMLINSON, ARMSTRONG and STACK. Prior Printer's No. 1702.Printer's No. 1841. An Act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, further providing for marketing and administration of service contracts being distinct from the business of insurance.
SB 638 Prior Printer's Nos. 690, 1218, 1411.Printer's No. 1615. An Act establishing the Cancer Drug Repository Program for accepting donated cancer drugs and dispensing cancer drugs; and providing for the powers and duties of the State Board of Pharmacy.
SB 822 By Senators CORMAN, ERICKSON, GORDNER, TOMLINSON, WAUGH, ROBBINS, BRUBAKER, D. WHITE and EARLL. Prior Printer's No. 956.Printer's No. 1842. A Joint Resolution proposing integrated amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for disqualification to hold other office and for vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor.
SB 998 By Senators McILHINNEY, O'PAKE, WASHINGTON, RAFFERTY and RHOADES. Prior Printer's Nos. 1215, 1840, 1878.Printer's No. 1840. An Act amending Title 40 (Insurance) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for clinical social work services.
Prior Printer's Nos. 1278, 1586.Printer's No. 1871. An Act amending the act of May 15, 1945 (P.L.547, No.217), known as the Conservation District Law, further providing for declaration of policy, for the State Conservation Commission, for creation of conservation districts, for designation of district directors, for appointment, qualifications, compensation and tenure of directors, for organization of directors, for powers of districts and directors, for Commonwealth agencies to cooperate and for discontinuation of districts; and making a repeal.
SB 1033 By Senators REGOLA, PICCOLA, BAKER, PIPPY, FUMO, ARMSTRONG, PUNT, KITCHEN, ORIE, WAUGH, FOLMER, FONTANA, ERICKSON, M. WHITE, RHOADES, BRUBAKER, BROWNE and WASHINGTON. Prior Printer's No. 1325.Printer's No. 1880. An Act amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for the composition of the State Veterans' Commission.
SB 1225 Prior Printer's Nos. 1674, 1738.Printer's No. 1876. An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for mutual aid.
SB 1278 By Senators GREENLEAF, COSTA, MELLOW, ERICKSON, M. WHITE, RAFFERTY, ORIE, FONTANA, WOZNIAK, O'PAKE, VANCE, C. WILLIAMS, BROWNE and WASHINGTON. Prior Printer's No. 1768.Printer's No. 1844. An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for child medical support, annual fees, review of orders of support, effect of incarceration, pass-through of support and assignment of support.