Monday, March 31, 2008

Reprieve on Campaign Contributions

You have an extra two days to contribute to Pennsylvania congressional campaigns. The extension is to match state deadlines, and has something to do with the date of the primary. The details are beyond me. What I know for certain is you have two extra days.

All Democratic candidates are likely to be available through ActBlue.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pennsylvania ....

    Wanna BUY an old obsolete nuclear power plant? YES? OK, then, just VOTE for Obama.

    The nuke industry is planning to build 29 new nukes. ONE in Pennsylvania
    (See Map at NY Times LINK: )

    Excelon Corp, (largest nuke operator on the planet) headquartered in Illinois, has been one of Obama's largest contributors ever since he first ran for office.

    Obama voted FOR the Cheney Energy Bill of 2005 (H.R. 6) - which ENABLED the nuke industry to start planning to build nukes. (No new nukes have been built for the past 30 years because the banks would not loan the money - too risky.)

    The Cheney Energy Bill solved that problem for them by GUARANTEEING Taxpayer PAYBACK of any of the nukes loans that default (The Congressional Budget Office rated the risk of default on the nuke loans at 50% or greater).

    Here's the kicker: Obama has been getting BILLIONS of Dollars worth of FREE Sales PROMOTION -Campaign HELP- From: NBC & MSNBC, and CBS ... because GE owns NBC/MSNBC and Westinghouse owns CBS.

    (If you check on the NY Times MAP you will see that GE & Westinghouse are planning to build the reactors at most of the planned nuke sites.)

    That's the reason WHY the media has been rabidly PUSHING to SELL you an Obama & slamming and smearing the Clintons
