Sunday, March 16, 2008

Math, A Movie and Voting

From the inbox:

With election fever in the air, the Election Reform Network is proud to be hosting the Philadelphia area theatrical premier screening of UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections on April 16.

UNCOUNTED is an explosive new documentary that shows the vulnerability of American elections and the inspiring stories of true heroes working in the trenches of American democracy to protect the vote. It is a stunning wakeup call making it clear that this year our job as citizens goes beyond casting a ballot.

The screening is set for Wednesday, April 16 at 7 pm at the Hiway Theatre in Jenkintown. Join us and Emmy award-winning filmmaker David Earnhardt for a lively conversation afterward about what we can learn from the recent history of American elections and what steps we in the greater Philadelphia area can take now to protect the vote in 2008 and beyond. Save the date and RSVP today.

Pennsylvania is, we all know, a battleground state in the Presidential sweepstakes. But 53 of 67 counties vote on high-risk paperless electronic vote machines. Many consider PA to be the likely next Florida or Ohio. Not only are our machines vulnerable to manipulation and foul-ups, but they are unauditable and unrecountable. Yet some say that we should bury all legitimate concerns related to possible voter disenfranchisement because it discourages people. Better to pretend that there are no problems and hope for the best, they say.

The Election Reform Network urges people to vote and participate fully in the process - but not with their eyes closed! Democracy doesn't work well when citizenship becomes like sleep-walking. In fact, sometimes we have to reinvent democracy, and this seems to be one of those times. UNCOUNTED is a film that inspires people to vote – and then act to protect it.

Come and see UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections and join the conversation afterward. You won’t be discouraged; you’ll be informed - and energized to protect your vote!

Save the date: Wednesday, April 16 at 7 pm at the Hiway Theatre, a beautifully restored community facility, at 212 Old York Road in Jenkintown. Tickets $8, available at the door. RSVP today.

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