Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Swearing and Swearing In

Those who keep up with local happenings will know that Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter (gosh that sounds wonderful) help an open house at City Hall this evening. This is a tremendous harbinger of things to come.

In other inaugural news, primarily from PhillyBurbs:

As they had said they would, Jim Matthews (R) and Joe Hoeffel(D) elected themselves chair and vice chair of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners. It is the first time since the late 1800's that a Democrat has been either chair or vice chair. The other Republican elected commissioner, former District Attorney Bruce Castor, lost this round of musical chairs. (See "A Done Deal," by Jacob Fenton, the Intelligencer 1/08; GrassrootsPA has links to articles on this from the Inky and the Morning Call).

Det Ansinn, whose path I have crossed a time or two and gives every impression of being organized, strategic, and an all around nice guy, has been appointed President of the Doylestown Council. (See "Dems assume council control," by Christine Kristoric, the Intelligencer 1/08).

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