Thursday, January 24, 2008

Presidential Notes I: No Way to Treat a Lady

Just Between Strangers has pointed me to a very distressing article at TPMmuckraker, "'Legendary' GOP Strategist Launches Hillary Namecalling Effort," by Paul Kiel, 1/23

A Republican strategist has put together a 527 organization with this goal: educate the American public about what Hillary Clinton really is." The name chosen for this 527 doesn't make a lot of sense, but isn't intended to. The acronym is what counts and that starts with C and rhymes with punt. We might then assume that this what they are implying Sen. Clinton really is, as no other information is provided. While that word has a lot of connotations, it is an anatomical one, referring to a feature all women share.

One hopes that there will be an outcry equal to that regarding the MoveOn ad featuring Gen. Petraeus. Surely the Republican presidential candidates will call for all good Republicans to shun this effort. Surely the Democratic presidential candidates will decry it. Surely the entire Senate will rise up in response to this crude attack on one of their own. Hopefully no one will ever hire that strategist for campaign work again.


  1. Jane --

    At first I thought the article must have been a parody, but knowing of Stone's history and doing a cursory investigation, it appears that these actions are not fiction, but another attempt on his part to "stir the pot" and see what comes out.

    Either way, - while certainly not a Clinton supporter - let me be the first Republican to repudiate this type of action. While there are many legitimate reasons to look elsewhere for a President than Sen. Clinton, this kind of vulgar attack takes away from the important debate about issues and qualifications, and ultimately debases the entire democratic electoral process that so many paid a high price to maintain.

    - Lou Guerra, Jr.

  2. Lou,

    Thank you very much for stopping in. I didn't believe it when I first saw it either but checked through the links and they seemed accruate. On the actual site that sells the t-shirts, there is a place to leave name, address, etc. so it may be nothing more than a database building ploy or maybe after you enter the mailing info it takes you to another page.

    But I do appreciate your support on this very much. And you are correct on vulgar attacks taking away form the issues.

    Thanks again.
